ebay is great but you can create your own webstore online free hosting

United States
January 4, 2008 5:54am CST
Make money, no listing fees, no final value fees, no photo fees. You can get started for free, however, there are stipulation for free accounts or you can pay, starting at 5 bucks, its awesome. They will even help you get started with your own store setup. My store is up and running and I have already had 1 sale, it ain't a whole lot but that is more than some people get at all. look up www.x10hosting.com If you need a little more help, just let me know.
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2 responses
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
6 Jan 08
hi websavvy,that was a nice posting you gave however i will like to ask you what happens if the freee hosting breaks down,or you never gave that a thought,do let us have more of such information as soon as you get them,what do you deal in on your site and what is the name of your site?
• United States
6 Jan 08
O, that's easy. FTP. Good question, All my files are backed up on my own system and the server. I pay a small fee for the service so I have much better control of my items, the space I use, my landing pages, scripts, domains, my own email and so on. Its so much it will make you dizzy because I was at first, however, I used the forums to my advantage,studied and read the FAQ (s) I was up and running in no time. However, you have a very valid point, as a technician, I learned to back up, back up and back up all your files. Even if this domain fails, I can move my content to another domain. I am not that big "yet"so it wouldn't cause a great impact if something happened. New start up companies are fabulous, they charge little to nothing because they are new, same as ebay, yahoo and msn all the big dogs had to get started someplace. Hey I will be the guinea pig and test your product, as long as it works. LOL I sell on consignment, people bring me stuff and I sell it for them. It harder on your own site, primarily the technique is marketing so people know you are there....I gotta run but I will add more...c ya
@sierdij (853)
• Philippines
4 Jan 08
Wow nice. What do you sell? i hope we can do some business someday =)