Do you Belive in Horoscopse and Astrology

January 16, 2008 11:17pm CST
As i do sometime belive in Horoscpse n read same everyday in newspaper but astrology i dont belive more as it to know the the future u need to first pay them n than u they will tel about the future n who know it is true or false what about let us share your views
9 responses
@Jimmy3371 (142)
• United States
21 Jan 08
I don't put to much in Horoscopes and astrology. Why look to the stars for your answer when you go to the one who made those stars, and I don't have to know the future cause I know who holds the future. why pay for something when I can get it for free.
• India
5 Feb 08
thank u for your response
• Indonesia
18 Jan 08
sometimes i do...
• India
19 Jan 08
thank u for your response
@MGjhaud (23244)
• Philippines
17 Jan 08
not at all but i do sometimes read them just out of fun hehe.. my sister loves to read those kind of stuff too but not a believer too. sometimes if i read one and then read another from another website, it really tells that there's no such thing as that.. you don't have to believe it, you know..
• India
19 Jan 08
thank u for your response
@Dadexter (438)
• Pakistan
17 Jan 08
Well although often check out horoscope, But I do not believe in them and I do not act on any advices by the astrologist!!!!...its just like listning to good moral stories!!!!!
• India
19 Jan 08
thank u for your response
• India
17 Jan 08
Hi friend, I am not interested to see horoscope.When i am child i used to see and thought that it would happen.But now i came to a thought that with hard work itself we can get whatever we want,but not totally on horoscope.Sometimes i will believe in it so that if we are in troubles we get a confidence that we may live happily in future.Only for that purpose i will see that horoscope and be strong enough thats all. Friend it all depends upon ur thoughts as how to think.So always think positive if negative happens also. have a nice day
• India
19 Jan 08
thank u for your response
@nkhanna (922)
• India
17 Jan 08
well deepika to tell yuo the truth i dont believe in horoscope or astrology at all.even if its free or its paid it really does not matter to me at all.i believe god a lot and i think that whatever is in our fate is decided by god so that we as a human being can become a more experienced person in and downs are there in everyone's life and this is how one learns.knowing about it does not actually help but it rather makes a person more weak from inside and probably because of the fear people dont get that much strength to fight against the odds of i believe that just believe in god,whatever he does is just for the benefit of us.
• India
19 Jan 08
thank ufor your response
• United States
17 Jan 08
I don't really believe in them. I think they're fun to read and find out about and even sometimes get a little bit of insight into what could happen, but I really have yet to see anyhting that can fully substantiate whether or not that stuff is real or just another hoax-type gimmick. It's entertaining, but I think it's more of a coincidence rather than a legitimate practice.
• India
19 Jan 08
thank u for your response
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
17 Jan 08
I don't exactly believe in horoscope... or the fact that a person can tell my future or what will happen to me within the week just by looking at the planets and the stars... but i think they are fun to read... astrology on the other hand is different... people studied astrology for centuries and i think that there is some or a bulk of truth in what they say... but then... some people would use this subject as a a form of fortune telling to gain money... and that i think is wrong...
• India
19 Jan 08
thank u for your response
• India
17 Jan 08
Hi deepika_mona, I could not understand your question because both horoscope and astrology are based on the planetary influences on human being. They are not two different studies.O.K let us take them two defferent things and discuss. What you are noting from News Papers is a generalized prediction, for which the writer or predictor is being paid by the news paper and you are also paying him indirectly through purchasing the News paper(remember it is for a generalised prediction). When you are meeting an Astrologer, he looks only in to your horoscope and providing you predictions, for which only you have to pay and it is individual prediction. Whether the predictions are true or false depends on the belief of each individual. Good Luck
• India
19 Jan 08
thank u for your response