interesting fictional question2

January 29, 2008 8:50pm CST
this is a fictional question. i just want your opinion on this matter. here goes: After 6 months of separation, abby and her husband got back together. but while they were apart, the woman got pregnant from a brief affair. still, they both decided to keep the baby. now the husband is so in love with the baby boy and no one else knows that he's not the real father except the two of them. the biological dad is married with 2 kids and never knew she got pregnant. she likes to know if she should tell her son and his real father about the real score? if so, when?
1 response
• India
30 Jan 08
There is absolutely no need for all this to be told to the child. If he is getting thte love of a mother adn father in his family then that is all the child actually needs. There is nothing positive that can happen if he is told the truth on the contrary it may cause him a lot of turmoil in his mind. I presonally feel that nobody becomes a father or a mother just beacuse they have given birth to a baby. The real father and mother would be the once who actually love the baby like family. so in this case the father is for sure the husband of the women and not the guy with whome she had a brife affire.