breakfast anybody?

@chrislotz (8137)
January 30, 2008 7:14am CST
Do you get up in the morning with your hubby, and fix him breakfast. I always do because if I don't he just won't eat and that's not good because he works hard and needs the energy. I got up this morning at 5:30 and I made him pancakes for breakfast. I also made him his luch while he was eating breakfast. I made him three egg salad sandwiches today, although I usually fix him a container of leftovers from supper the night before. But today I didn't because there is enough leftovers for supper tonight. We had a beef stew for supper last night and we will have it again today with garlic toast. So do you make your hubby eat in the morning? Do you get up and make it for him? If you don't, will he make himself something to eat? Or do you do it the simple way, and just give him a bowl of cereal or just toast?
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21 responses
• India
2 Feb 08
my hubby doesn't like more then mathi ka parantha in breakfast and a cup of tea .I also get up at5:30 am every day and prepare his lunch also.I have join family so i have to prepare breakfast for rest of my family too.
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@kimbers867 (2539)
• United States
1 Feb 08
I make my husband some type of breakfast sandwich that he can eat up when he gets to work. I usually make it while I am making his lunch. If he wakes up hungry he will grab himself a bowl of cereal or oatmeal to tide him over until he gets to work. On weekends, he makes breakfast one day and then I do the other. I am very lucky because my husband is a wonderful cook. Yes, I do work outside of the house. I make my lunch and the girls lunch in the morning while we are eating breakfast.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
31 Jan 08
Except for a year after each delivery, I've got up early and cooked breakfast for the family. I'm usually tired when the baby is less than a year old and cannot get up we survive on bread, eggs...anything that's easy. But otherwise, I prefer to cook breakfast (traditional indian) and as soon as that's done, I start cooking lunch and dinner. Neither my son nor husband has to carry lunch...but I prefer to get the cooking over with and clean the kitchen in the morning itself. If I don't make anything in the morning, my husband fixes a bread-butter-jam sandwich for himself and our older son.
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@mjgarcia (725)
• United States
31 Jan 08
He gets up at 5:30 and eats cereal. But that is his favorite breakfast food. He'd eat it all three meals if he could. I get up about 10 minutes after him, but then I'm making lunches for the kids. They like eggs or pancakes for breakfast sometimes. Then I have an hour of taxi service before I go to work.
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• United States
31 Jan 08
I am always up when my husband leaves in the morning (if I have to babysit the other kids I keep). So I fix my son and myself breakfast and I offer to fix my husband something too but he doesn't always want me to. If I don't fix it then he usually just grabs some muffins that I've already made, or he eats cereal, or has a breakfast bar or something like that. This morning he was in a hurry so I just stuck a waffle in the toaster and when it popped up I sent it with him.
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@Modestah (11179)
• United States
31 Jan 08
actually for us it is more like I stay up for him. He gets home at 3:30ish in the morning, I get the heater going in the bathroom around 3 am so it is good and warm when he gets home and can shower - he likes a nice breakfast before he goes to bed.
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@starangel (414)
• United States
30 Jan 08
No. I couldn't if i tried. lol. He gets up at 3:30am, and leaves the house at 4:30am. He drinks his coffee and sometimes has a snack more than a breakfast. He prefers quick lunches over homemade because he only gets a few minutes to eat. He gets home around 2-2:30 and usually eats something then. I get up at 6:30am and make my son oatmeal or something in the morning before he goes to school. I make up for it by making awesome dinners. :D
@lightningMD (5931)
• United States
30 Jan 08
Yes. I get up with my husband. I get up make him coffee and pack his lunch while he showers. Then I set out his meds. I then make him breakfast. Today I made him egg sandwiches on english muffins. He likes these since he can eat them in the truck on his way to work if he is running late. He does request cereal on occasion,but usually its bacon and eggs.
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@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
30 Jan 08
Since neither of us are breakfast eaters, I just get the coffee pot ready for the next morning and set the timer. However on the weekend he usually makes me breakfast. I don't have to worry about fixin him lunch, since he usually goes to his mom's for that, since he works in the same town as his parents live and is only a few blocks away.
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@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
31 Jan 08
My wife wakes me up every weekday morning at 6am to have breakfast with her, before she goes off for work. She has to leave early because she is in the teaching profession. My maid prepares the breakfast for us. Actually it is rather early for me to have my breakfast, but I am used to having my meal with her and seeing her off (as a husband should do), having done this for more than 20 years now. When she is off to work, I take my early morning walk around the estate, instead of going back to bed.
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• United States
30 Jan 08
The morning routine in our house is to hectic for me to get up early enough to prepare breakfast for anyone. My sweety leaves for work at 5:30sm each morning and grabs his breakfast at a local deli near his work place. I do pack his lunch on most days and others he goes with the guys from work out for a quick bite.
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30 Jan 08
Just one question; do you work too? I love cooking, and I love cooking for people, especially my partner. But I work, in fact I have to be at work an hour and a half before him! But on mornings when we are both at home I will happily make breakfast for us both. It was really sweet the other day; he came home from work and handed me a packet of organic bacon and half a dozen organic eggs with this little smile on his face that said "can I have a sandwich, please?" So, I WOULD cook breakfast... if I was a stay at home kind of girl, but I'm not (and I'm not a morning person either... eugh).
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@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
30 Jan 08
Wow you are a good housewife, he would be crazy to let you go. My partner is not a big breakfast eater, however sometimes I will make him a coffee in the morning. I also work full time so my time is very limited in the morning, very rushed getting my two kids ready for school and kindy and myself. At times I have made him lunch, but then he does not always eat it and buys take away. So I have given up making him lunch for work. Like I said you are a good woman to your husband, I hope he spoils you too.
• China
31 Jan 08
he he, i am a male.. i just say something. my girl always gets up early in the morning cook breakfast for me. sandwiches or cereal .. so i always go to work with full energy. thank you for my girl. but even she don't do that i will cook the breakfast myself. 'cause it is the most important meal everyday. do you think so ?
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@limcyjain (3516)
• India
7 Mar 08
I do get up early in the morning and prepare lunch and breakfast both for my husband and my children. My children have to take lunch to school and my husband needs a good diet to keep himself fit and i am very particular about his health. Actually i too earn some appreciation for the work i do often as my husband loves the food i prepare.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
30 Jan 08
LOL hell no! Even though I'm always up before him...I dont even make him coffee for that matter...Mind you he's always in such a rush in the mornings he wouldnt have time to eat breakfast anyway...In order to do that he'd have to get up earlier than he already does which is 4-5am....
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
30 Jan 08
Thats so funny because we also had beef stew last night.hahaha I get up with my hubby but he doesnt like to eat breakfast. I usually have cake around and he always grabs a piece of that. Ive offered to make him breakfast but he doesnt want it.
@brimia (6581)
• United States
30 Jan 08
Lucky guy! No, my husband usually just has cereal for breakfast. Occasionally, on weekends, I'll make pancakes. I do make his lunch everyday (usually PB & J or leftovers) but I fix it the day before. I also make dinner almost every night.
• United States
30 Jan 08
My husband gets up at 4:15 and he isn't hungry. I get up with my son at 4:45 and make both of them breakfast. My son eats right then and there and my husband takes his to go. I pack their lunch after I finish making their breakfast. I cook breakfast again at 6:30 when my other son wakes up. For breakfast I usually make muffins, pancakes, eggs or french toast.
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@Estina54 (385)
• United States
31 Jan 08
Good for you that your hubby is nice. As for me, he's very dominant that my appetite goes out especially in the morning. If he wants to eat and can't be nice, he should fix his own breakfast.