My husband refuses to go to the doctor!

@dlkuku (1935)
United States
February 5, 2008 5:57am CST
My husband was diagnosed with acid reflux disease a few years ago. He is supposed to be taking medication to control it, but he hasn't wanted to spend the money on it so he stopped taking it well over a year ago. One night last week, he woke in the middle of the night, choking and unable to breathe. Which scared me near to death. Yesterday, he complained about a throbbing, stabbing pain in the left side of his throat, and down the center of his chest. When he came home from work, he was still complaining about it. We went to bed, and around midnight, he woke me up. He couldn't breathe, the pain in his throat and chest was worse, and he seemed panicked. Three times I told him we need to go to the hospital but he outright refused. After about an hour, he calmed down, the pain lessoned and his breathing became easier. He really needs to go to the doctor, he kept saying last night, something is wrong, something happened, but the only way he will know is if he gets checked. Why is he so stubborn? This could be really serious.
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11 responses
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
5 Feb 08
Hi dlkuku! My husband is the same way and also has the same problem. He eats rolaids like candy. He also take over the counter zantact for it too. He says theres nothing they can do for it he. I think he just doesnt want to go through the tests. So I just let him go. If it gets that bad Im sure he will want to go the hospital on his own. You cant make them do anything they dont want to.
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
5 Feb 08
I understand he doesn't want to go through all the tests, since he had them before and they weren't pleasant. But he should realize that his health is important.
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@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
6 Feb 08
The tests he went through were to see if the acid reflux had caused esophegal and stomach damage, not for diagnoses. He had to have a scope put down his throat and into his stomach.
• United States
6 Feb 08
they usually dont do any testing for acid feflux.they just prescribe the medication.
@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
6 Feb 08
One thing my wife has always conveyed to me is that we can give up other things, but when it comes to health, we mustn't ignore it or stinge on spending if it is necessary. We only have one life to live, and should our health deteriorate, there's no point suffering for it while we let our money be stashed away somewhere. Also if one does not take preventive measures to arrest a known health situation, it can get worse and if that happens, more money may need to be spent taking care of a more serious problem. Your husband is not only stubborn, I dare say straight to his face that he is irresponsible, whether he realizes this or not. If gentle persuasion doesn't work for your case, please seriously tell him that his stubbornness equates to irresponsibility because should his in-action cause his health to turn bad, or should something untoward happens to him as a result, then he might never be around for you and will he desire to be responsible for this outcome? He needs to shed his stubbornness and take positive action, both for his health sake, as well as for the sake of those he loves. Having said all these, I will pray for his health, that he will overcome his stubbornness and get the right treatment for his situation, and that he will become well again quickly.
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
6 Feb 08
Thank you for your prayers. I don't see him as irresponsible, I just can't wrap my head around that notion. He works constantly just to pay bills, we have no money left over at the end of the bills, so it really is an issue, but he does need to take care of himself. He also has prepared for my future in advance in case something does happen to him, so I can't really say he is irresponsible when it comes to me. Maybe to his own health, but not to me. But I would rather have him here with me than all the money in the world.
@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
7 Feb 08
I guess you know him best. Perhaps I cannot consider him irresponsible in the sense that you described of him, but I still feel that he has to prioritize whether his health is more important for the future (which therefore he should put a handle on now before it is too late), or continue what he does to bring home the bacon and procrastinating about getting his health back in order. He has to consider the future for the both of you, and it starts with his health, I feel.
@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
6 Feb 08
My husband is the same way. I have been after him for years to get checked for sleep apnea. He refuses. His friends have told him the same thing after he fell asleep in the car one night on the way home. (No he wasn't driving). Acid reflux can develop into serious problems. I am guilty of being a little tight with the money sometimes myself though so I guess I can't say much. I take Prilosec OTC but I don't take it everyday. It still seems to help me. The price of those meds are really high. I wonder if there is a generic he could get? Sometimes my doctor will give me samples of meds too if he has any.
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
6 Feb 08
I called the doctor and he told me to get him Prilosec OTC, so I did and I hope it helps him. My husband also has sleep apnea, which is another really scary thing.
@punlonnjack (1308)
• United States
6 Feb 08
my husband has the same problem.he goes to the doctor and they always give him sample.he never had to pay for the medication. i do know that if he doesnt go it will become more frequent waking up coaking,he could choke to dealth its not something to mess around with. and if he doesnt want to pay the doctor bill they have over the counter medication just ask the pharmacist. another concern is it will cause his eshophagous to become so irrated he wont be able to hold food down and it gets pretty serious after that and he wwill have to have need to convince him to go get it taken care of.good luck and god bless.
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
6 Feb 08
That is why it concerns me so. We did call the doctor, and he told us to get an OTC med until my hubby can get into see him. Hopefully it will help.
@angel08 (120)
• Philippines
6 Feb 08
My husband was also stubborn, was because he passed away 4yrs ago. Heart attack , but before that day, he's complaining that his lower left ribs hurt so I told him to see the doctor (that was sunday) but he hesitate to go. so the only thing he did was called the doctor and asked for medicine but the pain didn't stop till the following morning. when I woke up I told him again that he must go see the doctor still he hesitate, so I went to pee before I came out of the toilet I heard something bang he collapsed. doctor declared him DOA. So force your husband to go see the doctor. Man's really very stubborn.
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
6 Feb 08
I am very sorry about your husband, that must have been very difficult for you.
@angel08 (120)
• Philippines
7 Feb 08
Yes that's true ,specially that time my sons are 12 & 13 yrs old only. So if you can talk to your husband and ask him to go see the doctor as soon as possible that's better. cite my case as an example and thanks for your concern.
6 Feb 08
well you cant say why he is been so stubborn but if you will take it easy on him,pet him and ask him he might have a good reason for not deciding to go the hospital
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
6 Feb 08
His reason is that he already knows what's wrong and he doesn't want to spend money to have a doctor tell him what he already knows.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
5 Feb 08
What excuse is he giving you now to not go..I mean if he KNOWS (feels) that something is that wrong I am just wondering what he reason is for avoiding the doctor...You're very right, it could be serious and IMO somehow you need to FORCE HIM to go.... My husband pulled a stubborn stunt like that on me about 2 yrs after hearing excuse after excuse I decided to pull a less than pleasant fast one on him to con him into going...I stopped taking all my medication cold turkey for 2 weeks and refused to go back on it until he went to the doctors to find out what was wrong...I DO NOT RECOMMEND was very foolish and dangerous in some ways for me to do it (and my doc b!tched me out when she found out) but it worked..... Is there some way (safer of course) that you could bribe him into going?
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
5 Feb 08
He doesn't really give me an excuse, his answer was that they weren't going to do anything for him anyway. He has to go to the doctor every six months because he has thyroid disease, he just had bloodwork done a few weeks ago, but he never said a word to his doctor about the problems he is having, the only time he tells the doctor is if I go with him and open my mouth. Unfortunately, I was unable to go with him this last time since I had to work. I couldn't pull that off anyway since I don't take any meds, not that I would if I did. He does feel better this morning, so now he will definately not go until something bad happens. Men! Grrrr, why won't they ever listen to us?
@joyce959 (1559)
• Philippines
5 Feb 08
I guess most men are so stubborn when it comes to medical check up. They don't want to be subjected to the routine laboratory test and other medical test. I think they are afraid of the procedure or afraid of the outcome or result of the medical lab test. My husband is sometimes like this. When I tell him lets go to the hospital or clinic for medical check up, he says, there's no need coz he doesnt feel anything wrong. But then he is not so stubborn as your husband , coz sometimes I can convince him to have medical check up when he complains of something painful in his body. I guess your husband can be brought to the hospital thru 911.
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
6 Feb 08
I think he is afraid of what the doctor will say. As for me, I would rather know if something is wrong than not know.
@ellie26 (4139)
• Malaysia
5 Feb 08
I think it is not because he doesn't want to spend his money on medication but he is in denial. Some people who is sick refuses to acknowledge it. They will try to act as if everything is normal until they can no longer stand the pain . Try to get someone to talk to him about his illness and tell him prevention is better than cure. Sometimes it helps.
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
6 Feb 08
Actually, he says since he already knows what is wrong that he doesn't need to go to the doctor, just to be told what he already knows.
@rookiekan (882)
• China
5 Feb 08
as u said above,he may care about money.i dont know how rich you are,but u must company with him go to hospital whatever how much money u will spend on is more important that money,isnt it?u 2 could earn money after ur husband recover if u must borrow money from ur relatives or friends for his serious disease.go hospital right now!!anyway,good luck for u
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
5 Feb 08
We do have insurance, he just didn't want to pay the co-pay which is pretty high when we go to the ER. I think it's worth it, but he is stubborn.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Feb 08
Sorry to sound horrid, but the graveyards are full of people who wouldn't spend their money on looking after themselves. He needs to go right now. Tell him that there is no better investment than in looking after himself. Men have this tendency to "wait and see". That can be fatal - I know 'cos my Father in Law didn't bother too much about the blood he coughed up until it was too late. Next time he is like this call 911 and to hell with the expense.
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
5 Feb 08
Yeah, I know that is what scares me. We do have insurance so really he has no excuse, but try telling him that. I was about to call 911 last night, if it happens again I will.