forgive and forget--- do you agree?

February 15, 2008 1:57am CST
forgiveness is a noble act. it reconciles us with someone who's hurt us and did wrong to us. forgiving is possible. but to forget isn't. i don't believe that you can totally forget a wrong doing done to you when it had a grievous impact on your life. i think forgiveness is more of accepting and moving on from something wrong done to you than forgetting that someone caused you pain. do you agree?
1 response
@kitan2979 (115)
• Philippines
26 Mar 08
It is really hard to think that we can forget the wrong done to us, coz to really forget is impossible unless you will have a selective amnesia..=) kidding aside.. all i know is that when you sincerely forget someone who caused you pain or trouble the first person who will benefit from it is yourself.. you wont have the bitterness anymore but peace instead..