What is your position on blind dates?

@winterose (39887)
February 15, 2008 11:44am CST
have you ever gone on a blind date? If not would you consider it? How do you feel if your married friend said she knew you were single and she wanted you to meet someone that she had in mind. Would you do it? Would you consider asking one of your friends to set you up on a date, in other words try to find you somebody to date?
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9 responses
@Deea48 (1166)
• United States
12 Mar 08
I myself have met quite a few men, thru on line dating. I am alone now, but that is not to say I did not meet some very interesting and fun men. Just none I wanted to continue with lol. My sister is always trying to set me up on blind dates, I never take her up on it. I am happy alone for now, but who knows, I might take her up on it some day.
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@GardenGerty (158131)
• United States
16 Feb 08
I do not think I would ask a friend to set me up, but I do have friends whose judgment I would trust to set me up on a date. I met my husband through a newspaper so I basically set myself up on a blind date. In high school I did go out with my friend because she wanted to go out with this guy and he said she had to find someone to go along for his buddy.
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@jewel76 (2305)
• Canada
15 Feb 08
I once went on a blind date and regretted it the moment i got there, up until the moment i left!! The guy was such a loser!! It wasn't your typical blind date, it was one of my good friends' boyfriend's best friend, and they were trying to find him a girl!! So she invited me along on an outing, with them, and this guy...oh boy...he actually liked me, but he was kind of strange, and somewhat vulgar...anyways, really, really not my type of guy! I would not ask any friends to set me up on a date, or blind date, if i were single, and i don't like when friends ask me to set them up, because if it ends up not working out, or the guy ends up being a jerk, then im the one they get mad at!!
2 people like this
• United States
15 Feb 08
I have been on a few blind dates, where friends set me up and I went in not knowing who I was meeting or what to expect. All of those times, though, it was never a one-on-one type of thing, it was always within a group of friends or at least with another couple. I haven't had any of the horror stories that other people sometimes talk about, but they haven't been great experiences either. I feel as though dating is easier when you already know someone, but it's not too bad for me.
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@rackback (121)
• United States
27 Feb 08
Usually the missionary position, because I'm worried anything too exotic so soon might scare her away. Actually the only blind dates I've had were in my high school/college days. They never led to any longstanding relationships (nothing more than maybe 5 dates). Now that I'm older (and assuming I'm not married)I would probably reconsider and start pursuing blind dates as an option. And yes, friends are probably the best ones to ask, not family.
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• United States
15 Feb 08
I would be very uncomfortable with a blind date but might consider it if I wanted to date. I guess I've never just been on a date though. I've always met my boyfriends, and current husband, through a friend. We would hang out and hit it off and then go out. So I never even had to deal with first date jitters.
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• Kuwait
26 Feb 08
For me blind dating is not my kind, i would not date someone i dont know,,, or i dont know maybe the man should be atleast i have something about him,, know from where he is,which family or any charater traits or education backgrounds at least in common or near to each field or same interest,,
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• Canada
24 Feb 08
Blind dates? Let's see.... I guess I AM a "blind" date, and I've got the CNIB card to prove it. As a CANADIAN, I'm sure you get that joke. But seriously, to answer your question, I do not like the idea of blind dates, and I would never go out with someone that someone else set me up with. That's too close to "arranged marriage" in my opinion.
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• United States
16 Feb 08
I am not against blind dating. The one thing I would do if I was set up with a blind date I would be asking a lot of questions about the person. Of course what they looked like. If they had some of the same interest I have. Why they were willing to go on a date with me. These are some of the questions that I would ask.