How many responses can you post in 2 hours?

@lilycool (135)
United States
October 30, 2006 1:18pm CST
I can post: 10 quality posts that required profound thinking OR 100 mindless posts -like "Yeah! I agree with you", "my color is green", "my number is 7", "I drink coffee a lot" etc… The main question is: Which method will bring me the most money with mylot?
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24 responses
• United States
30 Oct 06
Since I know I will not get rich from participating in MyLot, I post as many as I feel like in 2 hours - some of them are pretty mindless, but most are more thoughtful and hopefully thought provoking. I also try to use the plus or minus to show when I am happy that someone added to a discussion thread, or when I notice that someone is just saying the same thing over and over again by cutting and pasting one answer everywhere... which will ruin the statistics and throw off whatever algorithm is being used to determine how much to pay us all for our participation. :-) Cheers and thanks for asking.
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@toyranj (105)
• Philippines
31 Oct 06
mylot - Thanks to mylot!
I can only post 15-20 per day, I can't sit here the whole day, coz I still have to o to school
@kids91911 (4363)
• United States
30 Oct 06
I have no idea I never tried it.
@kutchi (12320)
• Pakistan
30 Oct 06
I think 20
@orionsmomma (1077)
• United States
30 Oct 06
Is it just me, or is Mylot running slow?
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@ZanyNenk (477)
• Israel
30 Oct 06
my color is green
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@kdarrell (1562)
• Canada
2 Nov 06
I think a person can do a lot of posts in a couple of hours if they posted steady. But, I don't think the quality of the posts would be that great. I only posts in discussions that I have an interest or knowledge in.
• United States
2 Nov 06
I agree, I could post more than 20 in 2 hours!
• Luxembourg
1 Nov 06
I think that it also depends on how fast you type, how long you need to find the right words and to spell them right (it can take some time when one is not familiar with the language!) but also if the subject inspires you or not. For sure, there are some subject where you can make a short and "easy" answer, but I'm sure that the myLot people prefer less answers but maybe deeper ones or with your opinion a bit developped. Now, I maybe wrong, too...
• Luxembourg
1 Nov 06
Sorry, I went too fast and noticed I forgot to answer your main question... I post like 20 posts in 2 hours, but I'm (unfortunately) rarely only doing that...
@lilycool (135)
• United States
2 Nov 06
I'm a slow poster too. If I want to response thoughtfully, then it takes about 5 minutes or more per post. Let do some math: For example, I post good responses -5 minutes each and I get paid 1 cent per post- then in 1 hour, I will earn 12 cents! So, how many hours do I need to make $10 payout? I think I should stop the math right here before I cry.
@zeus1a (1046)
• Netherlands
4 Nov 06
I can write 5 quality answer per hour, but i dont really know how earning are calculated.I dont think it is only how much you post.
@megs85 (3142)
• Australia
30 Oct 06
Okay, you have just given me a goal to work for lol. It's now 9.51 am, starting at 10am I am going to time myself for 2 hours and see how many lengthy quality posts I can write. Then I'll come back and write the number, tomorrow I will come and post my earnings... Then tomorrow I will time myself and see how many stoopid responses I can post such as "i agree" "yeah you're right" etc (i havent done this before but its an experiment so hopefully I wont get too many bad ratings :S) and the post how many responses I managed to post and then the next day make a comment bout my earnings... Cool?
@megs85 (3142)
• Australia
31 Oct 06
Ok well it took me half an hour to write ten quality responses (i even got two best responses yay!) but I'm still going, I've done 30 so far I think... lengthy and full of info :D I'll update later i'm gonna try to make it to 60 quality responses wish me luck... :D
@megs85 (3142)
• Australia
31 Oct 06
35 quality and I'm off for today :D I'll post my earnings tomorrow...
@lilycool (135)
• United States
31 Oct 06
I like your idea very much. I can hardly wait for the result of your experiment. Please post again, step by step when you're done all of it. It should be fantastic for all of us to see a real benchmark like this. Thanks.
• India
30 Oct 06
depends upon discussion.i mean how weighted they are .
@lilycool (135)
• United States
30 Oct 06
Would you please to elaborate more on how mylot staff might weight discussions -like jokes are good, complaints are bad, politics are ugly- etc...
@Meljep (1666)
• United States
1 Nov 06
I paid attention to my time and my postings this afternoon and found that I can post 10 posts that are relatively intelligent in 30 minutes.
@lilycool (135)
• United States
4 Nov 06
Me too. I think if I really like the topics of discussions I can post 1 response in about 5 minutes. Not good to make money though.
• United States
30 Oct 06
I think you probably have to combine them
• United States
1 Nov 06
they have a limit?
@Brandi06 (2227)
• United States
2 Nov 06
100 or more
@lilycool (135)
• United States
2 Nov 06
You have to teach me how to post 100 or more in 2 hours. Show me there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I'm totally clueless. Be my mentor, guide me through the maze of posting responses that fast. Please, please, pretty please.
@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
2 Nov 06
I am not sure how many I can post but have to say that the majority of my responses are as well thought out as I can make them and very rarely do I answer with just one or two words. I am not sure how myLot calculate our earnings but strongly believe that people who only make a response similar to what yo have mentioned are cheating on the system. That is unfair to those who take the time to think through the discussion and respond accordingly but I think that myLot will end up doing something about it - or at least I hope they will anyway. I sometimes find that it is really slow when I go to respond or submit my response but I am not sure whether that is caused by myLot being slow or if it is my ISP. I am on dial-up connection. I also take the time to read through the other responses, so I can give a positive (+) rating if I think it is warranted. Also on my own discussions I give a 'best response' as well as positive (+) ratings on the responses. Congratulations of a good topic for discussion. :)
@tarachand (3895)
• India
3 Nov 06
I think its gonna be a combination of both. Mindless answers fetch you a certain minimum amount, while a well thought out answer could start a discussion thread and hence provide you with a lot of income. But I could be wrong, I am too new here.
• India
1 Nov 06
30 or 50
• United States
2 Nov 06
I'm not sure. Some I write more than others. And, I don't do it steady for 2 hours.
• United States
4 Nov 06
I prefer the quality posts and have not looked at the time frame I have been on plus I have dial up and lose connection as I am typing the tags and then I have to go back to my discussions when I get back online to see if that posted, so the time gets slowed down. I also take the time to rate comments and discussions and then check out interesting members profiles after reading a comment, which means I do another step from where I was. Good topic for a discussion. Bonnie
@suzieque (2334)
• Canada
2 Nov 06
Hmmm, good question. I have posted mainly ones that I thought about, so I think I just posted around like 20 in 2 hours too.