How do you get rid of fever?????

@icyorchid (2564)
United States
February 24, 2008 10:54am CST
My daughter had a sore throat I brought her to the dr. on Thursday. Dr. gave her antibiotics (amoxicillian 875 mg) and now she is running fever, didn't have one at the dr.'s. My daughter is 25. No Strep Throat (tested for it on Thursday). I told her to take advil for the fever and it keeps coming and going. My question is, is there anything else you could recommend on getting rid of the fever? I am calling the dr. tomorrow if she still has the fever tomorrow, and that is another day off of work. Thanks
3 responses
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
24 Feb 08
If she is eating, give her Motrin, if not make sure she takes Tylenol (extra strength). Is she having chills with her fever? If so, she may have the flu. My hubby went in for a ear ache and a day later came up with the flu. If she is having the chills and really not getting better and it has been 48 hours or less, she needs to get some Tamiflu. That will cut her recovery time in half and break her fever almost immediately.
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
24 Feb 08
Oh, Advil will not work on a fever. It is made for aches and pains.
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
25 Feb 08
Bring her to the Dr ASAP. Tamiflu is this awesome medication that you can have prescribed that will help her get rid of the flu (if she has it). Instead of being sick for 8-10 days, the tamiful will have her feeling better and fever free within 24 hours. My husband was fever free within 4 hours of taking the medication. DO NOT take her to the ER. The waits here are at least 4 hours on a good day. I have friend who waited 24 hours to get into a rooom @ EJ and she was having heart problems. If you can bring her to either the EJ outpatient center on West Esplanade or Pelican Outpaitent on Dickory in Harahan (this the place we use)
@icyorchid (2564)
• United States
25 Feb 08
she tries to eat, but it makes her nauseous. Dr. did give her phenigan for that though. She is taking amoxicillan and advil. I think it is the flu also. Her boyfriend wants to bring her to the ER and like I told her, if it is the flu, there is nothing they can do it has to run it's course. What is tamiflu????? We are in Louisiana. Thanks
• United States
25 Feb 08
Ibprofin (advil) can be hard on a person's stomach, and should always be taken with food or at least a glass of milk. If your daughter is having nasuea, she shouldn't take advil (doesn't work well on fevers anyway) try asprin or tylenol instead.
@icyorchid (2564)
• United States
26 Feb 08
Thank you, but the dr. said she can have advil or tylenol for fever, just nothing with asprin in it as that is not good for fevers. Advil (liquid tabs) work very well on her. She is feeling better today
• Philippines
24 Feb 08
try to sponge with the cold wet towel. especially arm pits, neck, and legs...
@icyorchid (2564)
• United States
25 Feb 08
Thanks I did forget about doing this. :) She had a temp of 103 last night and doing this and sucking on a piece of ice brought the fever down 2 degrees in about a hour. She is taking amoxicillian and advil, not at the same time and lots of time apart.