The Shovel Fairy

Malinta, Ohio
February 26, 2008 6:52am CST
I got up about 4:15 AM this morning and heard something outide. Beautiful snow. Gosh, it was georgeous! But, that did not explain what I heard...Here was my neighbor shoveling our walk. About 6 inches of snow lay on our sidewalk and he is shoveling it for us. We are so lucky to have such good and helpful neighbors. Do you have neigbors like this? Are you a neighbor like this? I wonder what I can do for him? Do you (or are you) a shovel fairy?
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8 responses
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
26 Feb 08
That was really nice of him. It's really nice to have neighbors like that isn't it? We don't know any of our neighbors although we live in an apartment complex. We tend to keep to ourselves. **AT PEACE WITHIN** ~~STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS~~
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• Malinta, Ohio
26 Feb 08
He is a really good neighbor
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@polachicago (18716)
• United States
26 Feb 08
snow - snow covering my street and city shovel
It is so nice of your neighbor. I have one man shoveling for me right now for money. He is not working at any job so I always give him more than he asks. In the other hand, snow is so wet and heavy today, it would be hard for me to do it myself... All of my neighbors are older and they need more help than I do... I think that we have more than 6 inches, maybe 10....
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• Malinta, Ohio
26 Feb 08
We got around 10 inches
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
26 Feb 08
Oh wow, thats wonderful. I woke up too lots of snow too. We used to have a snow blower fairy that lived next door. I used to shovel for the lady that lived next to me. Its nice to have good neighbors.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
26 Feb 08
Thats what they are saying we got, close to 8 inches. I am hoping this is it for the season. At least snow that is deep. I don't mind the light dusting of snow. We got lucky, a snow blower fairy came thru and did our walk. I should say my son got lucky, I wasn't going out there and shoveling. THINK SPRING!!!!
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• Malinta, Ohio
26 Feb 08
Blizzard Bill said we got 7 and 3/4 inches. I think
• Malinta, Ohio
26 Feb 08
A snow Blower Fairy. Hmmmm. If I had a snow blower.....?
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
27 Feb 08
nope I get no snow and son in law does trhe leaves off the trees every fal
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
28 Feb 08
yup he is lol
• Malinta, Ohio
27 Feb 08
So..your son in law is you *leaf fairy* LOL :-)
@AmbiePam (86275)
• United States
27 Feb 08
Oh that is so sweet! We don't get snow a lot, but when we do my dad often goes around to any elderly people living on his block, as well as his next door neighbors, and shovels their snow. He also puts salt on their sidewalk and driveway. He is so sweet. When I lived at home he always made sure my windshield had been de-iced before I left for the day.
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• Malinta, Ohio
27 Feb 08
You dad seems like a sweet man.
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@AmbiePam (86275)
• United States
27 Feb 08
He is. We have our problems because truthfully he didn't know how to 'deal' with me as a child. I was unknown to everyone a bipolar child with a lot of health problems. But even then I never doubted what kind of heart he had.
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• United States
26 Feb 08
Yes, we had a shovel fairy the other day too. It was so nice! It's great when neighbors help one another out like that.
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• Malinta, Ohio
26 Feb 08
I am so glad we got good neighbors when we moved here.
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
26 Feb 08
I don't, I have my son, he loves using the snow blower and goes out without bein asked. It was very nice of the neighbor. It was quite early though.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
27 Feb 08
We have about 6 inches so far today. It is still snowing.
• Malinta, Ohio
26 Feb 08
Everyone tries to get a jump on the other one here. LOL We had a really good snow, though. Did you get alot?
@redrover (597)
• United States
26 Feb 08
People around here don't shovel their own walks let alone mine. As for what you could do for him, next time make some hot coco and take it out to him, sure he would appreciate it.
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• Malinta, Ohio
26 Feb 08
He was at it again around 8 AM, so I took him a cup of hot coffee (his preferred beverage)