Beware!~~~~World of Warcraft is highly addictive!!!

@nixxi76 (3191)
March 3, 2008 8:56am CST
So what is with this pc game anyway? I've heard from the opposite party that they are ready to leave their boyfriends/husbands because of this game? They are telling me that they are fed up because this game takes up way too much of their time. Their better or I should say now worse half's are addicted badly! I've also been hearing how people that start playing it, become so addicted that they suffer many great losses, such as their homes, cars/trucks, jobs, children and family. Sure it's not a drug but it is an addiction, and I don't know how many times I've heard the better half mention that they can't take this anymore of being ignored and want to leave them because it's a fight you can't win. All they want is their loved ones to pay attention and love them back, maybe limit their time with this game but it seems their loved ones already have made their choices. I hope my hubby never plays this game, because I believe it's worse to actually be ignored than alone! Have you or someone you know come across this experience?
3 responses
• United States
13 Aug 08
The game is not addicting. The game is something that the person allows to occupy most of his/her time. The sickness has always been in the person. The game has no subliminal messaging in them that says PLAY ME 24/7. Most individuals that do become addicted are usually suffering some sort of social defect, mental disorder, stress, depression, or some other sort of thing that they need to escape and stay in a make-believe world. I play WoW, I visit my folks 1x-2x per week, I have a GF that I see 2x per week, work 40 hrs per week, spend time with my best friend who is also a WoW player that owns his own successful business 2x per week. The most I play WoW is maybe a few hrs every other day or less than that.
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@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
22 Aug 08
Well I guess you're one of the lucky ones then because now three of my friends'husbands all are addicted to this game and my friends are ready to leave them too. It's caused them nothing but marital problems and it's always the same story. Thanks for your response
@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
8 Apr 08
Well, as a WoW player, I can't say that I'm not addicted to this game. But the good thing is I can keep it under control. The secret here is to always prioritize your loved ones. Always keep it real. I'm proud to say I can balance this game and my real life without any problems. Time management and knowing your priorities is the key.
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@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
8 Apr 08
I'm really glad you can do this because I know of a few people that can not. They are hurting their loved ones and have almost ended up in divorces. It's sad. I.. myself have never tried the game but I hope my friends get help, or learn time management and priority in their lives as you did. Thanks for your comment
5 Mar 08
Sad but true i haven't play the WOW yet but i believe is very addictive than DOTA cause its online not only limited into one place but its everywhere! whew.. but still its my desire to play that game maybe later part of my life :) . . Its responsibility of every gamers to aware, what are the consequences, when they enter such things..
@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
5 Mar 08
I was going to try this WOW game to see what it's all about, but I"m one to get addicted to something and it's hard to stop for me. I have a great hubby that lets me know when I'm over-doing it and that's a sign when I"m doing something too much. I use to get mad at him because I thought it was about me directing my time towards something else, but it wasn't, he was right! I would try this WoW game but I think I"ll pass. I've never heard of a game causing problems in someones life, and serious problems yet. Thanks for your comment