Kids Say the FunniesThings

@katcarneo (1433)
March 4, 2008 2:40am CST
I'm an ESL teacher(English as Second Language) and I mostly teach Korean children over the phone.It's very fun because I almost always laugh in every class. Here are some examples: Teacher: Hello? Student(11 years old): Teacher!!!(Very, very enthusiastic) One teeth, no! Translation: I lost a tooth. (A teacher has been defined as an individual who can understand those who are not good at explaining, and explain to those who are not good at understanding---Dwight Eisenhower) Teacher: Look at the man. What's he doing? Student: He's shaving his fur. Teacher: Give me a word that begins with "O" Student(11 years old): Australia Teacher:In the story, the man proposed to the woman. Example, you are going to propose, what are you going to say? How would you propose to me? Student(13 years old): Why? Should I marry you? Teacher: Okay,look at the picture. What's this? Student(14) : It's a binosyke. (We just learned the words binoculars and bicycle) Teacher: Where's the refrigerator? Student: It's in the chicken. (She meant kitchen) Teacher: How are you? Student: Today we watched a funny movie. We laughed and laughed, and my brother died. (Was trying to say my brother almost died of laughter.) I've got a whole lot more but I don't remember them right now. Do you have any stories about funny things your students have said?
4 responses
@goldwin65 (935)
• Malaysia
19 Mar 08
Just like you, I am an TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) teacher. If I were to make a collection of funny words, sentences and expressions from my students over the years, I think by now I can compile a book. My students are mainly influence by their mother tongue such repetition of words or sentence because it is common in their first language. Example: You must be strong, strong carry that box. The boy runs fast, fast (as fast as he could) to reach the finishing line. Anyway, teaching English as a second language is fun and you tend to get many funny stuffs from the students. Honestly, you will never get bore in the class full of enthusiasm students eager to learn English. Good luck [/b]many, many [b]to you.
• Philippines
5 Mar 08
i teach english to grade schoolers too and everyday is just a unique, wonderful and funny day. teacher: what is the difference between good and well? student: good is GOODbye and well is WELcome.
@Swaana (1205)
• India
4 Mar 08
Not just ESL kids, but also kids who have started their schooling and who wants to communicate in English do these type of mistakes. I too have had similar experiences as a teacher. But when we explain them how it should be said correctly, they learn it very fast than you expect.
@yashaggr (40)
• India
4 Mar 08
well ive got one but i probably wont make any sense to you. cus its in related to india. student=what is pythagorus theorum. teacher= aay square + bee square is equal to eich square. because she is a south indian and they have funny accents.