Spiritual but Not Religious?

March 4, 2008 9:26pm CST
It seems like every time I sign on to myLot I find someone who is claiming that they are spiritual but not religious. This rather strange form of egotism seems to be almost unique among Christians. They divorce themselves from 1500 years of religious thought and philosophy to claim a greater knowledge of Jesus then any who have gone before them. To them somehow religion has become a bad thing. They believe that they can worship without ritual, know without study and believe without knowledge. Where does our understanding of Jesus, come from if not the church? Without the church there would be no Bible. Without the Bible what would we know of Jesus? His would be one more long forgotten voice in the wilderness, his teachings lost in the mist of time. It is the very ritual they deride that reinforces the commonality of belief in Christianity. Without this commonality of belief there would be no Christian community and in fact no Christianity. Spirituality without religion is empty and hollow
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8 responses
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
5 Mar 08
I believe most people who fall under the category you mention do not consider themselves Christan. They move have a direct connection with God rather than wasting their time with a middle man religion.
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• Thailand
5 Mar 08
In fact these are exactly the people I am talking about. Their ego has gotten the best of them. They think they have a personal pipeline to God. Theirs is is a world in which they are absolutely and supremely right and everyone else is totally wrong. They have no real need of religion because after all who could be smarter than they are?
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
5 Mar 08
Ego has nothing to do with it. Since no religion is right, wouldn't the best thing to do would be to life your life the right way? Why waste your time with a religion that pigeon holes you into a single school of thought, possibly harming you in the long run?
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@jennysp8 (855)
• United States
5 Mar 08
Ego has nothing to do with it. Everyone DOES have a personal pipeline to God. Most Christian religions believe this and church is there in order to come together as a group to share the love and knowledge of what they believe in. But a gathering of people to share knowledge and love does not have to come in the form of a typical church building. I am not sure what your religion is, but apprently you do not pray or think that God listen's to you or will forgive your sins if you ask? - because you claim people do not have a personal pipeline to God. Some Catholics believe the only way for God to hear them or to forgive them of their sins is to talk with a Priest in a church. While this may be the Catholic belief, it is not the belief of most Chritian religions. Everyone can have a personal relationship with God if they want it.
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@Myrrdin (3599)
• Canada
5 Mar 08
Show me where Jesus stated that you must follow a church in order to be spiritual. Give me scriptural backing for it please. As far as I recall (and yes I have read the bible) Jesus never said anything about following rituals. In fact did he not say "For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them." Doesn't this clearly demonstrate that Christianity can, and indeed was intended to exist without a church. If the words of Christ are so hollow that they would pass if not spoken by some holier then thou priest, then perhaps they deserve to die. Religion without spirituality is empty and hollow.
1 person likes this
• United States
5 Mar 08
I liked your post, it's thought provoking. I always took that "spiritual but not religious" to mean that one believes in God, but is not necessarily associated with any organized religion, and dosn't believe they have to be to be "spiritual." I do think that word (spiritual) is used to loosely, however. I have seen "religious" people who aren't spiritual at all, in the way they behave and the way they treat others. Then I've seen very spiritual people who really aren't into any religion. Just like, I've always thought that God dosn't just reside in a church building. He resides everywhere, in our hearts, too. If I just go inside myself, into my own heart, I'm "in church." Or if somehow I can see God's presence is everyone around me, every living thing for that matter, in all the beauty around me, and in me, then I consider that to be truly "spiritual." For one who is truly and sincerely spiritual, then automatically he will behave in a most pious and saintly way,and possess all saintly qualities, such as humility, tolerance, detachment, courage, integrity, honesty, he/she will be beautiful and full of love for all, they will be a true servant of all living things, as they see God in the hearts of all. They will be very intelligent and will be steady and unagitated. Those are the qualities of a truly spiritual individual. I'm sure Jesus possessed all these qualities in abundance. People nowadays are turned off by organized religions as they see these religions more as big businesses, and sometimes the leaders of these religions exploit the vulnerabilities of people, for power and wealth. These leaders do not exhibit the qualities of a pure and saintly soul. There are even leaders who appear to have nothing to do with teaching love of God. I think it's more like, a religion without true spirituality is nothing but a big business. That's just the way I see it. Thank you for your post.
@jennysp8 (855)
• United States
5 Mar 08
Having a relationship with God is not about going to church every sunday, confessing your sins, and giving your money. There is more to it then that as having a relationship with God is more spiritual then that. There are alot of people in church who according to your views - are doing the "right thing" yet on the outside they are terrible people who are alot worse then the "spiritual people" who are referring to. Just because someone does not go to a church does not mean they are not saved or that they do not have a relationship or understanding of God. And just because someone walks through the routine of ritual in a church building - does not mean that they are saved and that they have a relationship with God. You can not "buy" your way into heaven nor can you do enough rituals to get yourself a reservation there. True Christians can understand that.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
5 Mar 08
If there was a Jesus, he would have been Spiritual! Christianity was dreamed up hundreds of years after Jusus was supposed to have lived. Religion and Spiritualism cannot exist together, because Religion is business-based with a need for money,while Spiritualism as practised by Jesus, has no need of money. Spiritualists believe God does not demand ritual or worship, but that God is Absolute Love. Absolute Love demands Absolutely Nothing! The bible is believed to be a book of Myth, translated and re-translated 275 times (or more), by people of varying education and culture, who inevidably had their own axes to grind.
@urbandekay (18278)
5 Mar 08
On the contrary, Jesus was a Jew and followed Jewish rituals and traditions, attended temples and observed Jewish law all the best urban
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@urbandekay (18278)
6 Mar 08
Yes, but I wasn't arguing that Jesus wasn't spiritual, just pointing out, contrary to you own view, that Jesus was a Jew and observed Jewish religious practices. In fact it is hard to think of a person that has been renowned for their spiritual insight that hasn't followed a particular religion. all the best urban
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
5 Mar 08
Can a Jew not be Spiritual?
@msanin (131)
• Canada
5 Mar 08
i am catholic because my family baptized under that religion, i went to a religious school, i did my first communion in the catholic church but i didn't get marry in a church because my husband is not baptized.. i believe in God, virgin Mary, bible, church, etc. for me i think it is more valuable for a person to do good stuff like help others than go to the church every Sunday and do nothing for the society.. church is another place where you can find Jesus not the only place. Bible says can be summarized as LOVE.
@rinaaus (1201)
• Australia
5 Mar 08
Nice thoughts Chiang Mai Boy! Follow my limit knowledge about religion I think Christians is one kind of religions like the others. Like branding business, every religions said my religion is the best, you had to come to my religion. If not you will go to hell. They trade on our fear and our believe. If we believe in God why we need religion? why we need church? all is business, try to take out money from human belief!
@urbandekay (18278)
5 Mar 08
Actually, Jesus makes it quite clear how those within his Church should be in Matthew 23. 8. But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren. 9. And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is you. 10. Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ. 11. But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. 12. And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted. Is this what we see in the established Church? Do we see Churches staying true to Christ's teachings? Now I agree that perhaps there are those that claim spirituality without religion and often seem to be using it to promote their own ends. The established Church also seems to have strayed from Christ's teaching. The Roman Catholics mixed Aristoteleanism with Christianity and introduced many over innovations. Confession to a priest for example, James 5:16 Confess your trespasses[a] to one another... In fact the Roman branch of the Church persecuted the Celtic Church (Possibly the oldest Church) that practiced public confession. What is needed is not egocentric 'spirituality' nor conformity to Church authority is some jumped up figure of a Pope (Pope means father and such a title is expressly forbidden) but a return to the teachings of Jesus. all the best urban