When are your clothes dirty?

March 6, 2008 9:22am CST
How long do you wear your clothes for before you think they need washed? I generally try and wash all my clothes after wearing them once - definately if I have went to work in them cos I work in a kitchen and I end up smelling of fries. Not my jeans though, I think this though is partly cos it is the only pair of trousers/pants I have that fit me properly due to recent weight loss. I know of some people who hardly ever wash their clothes and I smell some people that clearly never wash their clothes. Imagine you actually tank to high heaven and you never realised it. Yuck! I suppose after a while you just become immune to the smell.
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21 responses
@joyce959 (1559)
• Philippines
6 Mar 08
We wash our clothes - shirt, t-shirt, blouse, underwears, socks after wearing them once. For the pants, we wash it after 2 times wearing, but sometimes when it got dirty after one time use, it is already for washing. We have a laundrywoman so washing clothes is not a problem. Of course, we need to have a clean body when we change clothes, otherwise, we will smell stinky no matter how often we change clothes if we don't take a bath.
6 Mar 08
You have a wash lady? That is so so cool. I wish I had a wash lady! I think I may be the wash lady in our house.
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@bronie123 (4587)
• United States
7 Mar 08
yeah im the wash lady of my house to !!!
@joyce959 (1559)
• Philippines
6 Mar 08
Yes, I hired a laundrywoman or wash lady and have to pay for her services. Before, I used to wash all our clothes and it is so tiring coz I still have a job.
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
6 Mar 08
Apparently after a few weeks the body starts to clean itself too. So maybe those people who don't bathe enough are trying to test that theory for themselves? Ha! I wear most of my clothings items only once before I wash them. The only exceptions being cardigans and coats and hats, scarves and gloves.
6 Mar 08
Lol yeah it may clean itself but I doubt you smell too good after it
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@Liasonfan (1702)
• Canada
6 Mar 08
Yep, I think we all know people who never seem to wash their clothes or their bodies. The level of 'odour' must vary alot from person to person and I could never understand how some people never realize that they just plain stink. You are right, maybe they grow immune to the smell or something. I try to wash my clothes each time I wear them. Of course I bathe or shower every morning and my mama always told me, clean body, clean clothes and that has just stuck with me, I guess. Sweaters, hoodies etc I can get away with wearing a few times before I wash them, some things take extra care to wash and shouldn't be washed as often, but generally you need to be aware of dirt, smell, stains, etc on your own person.
6 Mar 08
Och yeah I shower every morning. Sometimes have a bath in the evening as well just cos I really enjoy baths. Sometimes I stay at a friends house across the city after we have been out and I will go home in the same clothes as the day before in the morning without showering. Obviously I do all that when I get home and there is no way I smell but it just doesn't feel very nice to be out and about without having a wash.
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@k1tten (2318)
• United States
6 Mar 08
I wash my clothes usually after the second wear. I don't do anything strenuios so I really don't get them dirty. And I'm a college kid that just never goes out at all so that won't get them dirty. I hate washing my pants because I get them woren in just right and then I drop something on them and I have to wash them. And then I have to break them all in again.
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• United States
22 Mar 08
I wash my clothes after each time I wear them. Towels I sometimes use several days before washing. I know that sometimes the clothes I wear just once aren't really dirty. I just have always on worn an outfit once before washing it.
• United States
22 Mar 08
That's kinda gross but anyway!!!!! It takes me longer to wash my jeans for what reason i am not sure but i can re use them at least 3 or 4 times. everythign else has to be washed pretty darn requent!!! I am deffinately not one that likes to smell at all or have anyone else smell anykind of reekiness coming form me.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
7 Mar 08
Actually i also have to go to office. it depends on the weather. if its hot, may be i wash i mostly after i wear it twice.in winter, when there are sweaters over it, may be 3 times.
@Madona1 (2096)
• Gibraltar
7 Mar 08
Well, it depends. Since I work in the office with the air-conditioning on, my clothes are hardly dirty or smell bad unless they are coffee, tea or pen scratch stain. Therefore, I can wear them at least 3 times before washing them. And I like to wear different outfits on different occasions; I will get change to relax typed of clothes after work.
@missbdoll (1165)
• Australia
7 Mar 08
Everything that gets hand washed like tops and dressesafter being worn once.The things like jeans and jacket that go in the machine get worn 2 or 3 times unless they"ve got soiled.
@nyumix (1658)
• Belgium
7 Mar 08
I always change my clothes everyday. In the night always wear pajama for going to bed. That also count for my children. So I teach them to do the same as me.
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
20 Mar 08
I generally only wear my clothes once and then throw it into the wash except my jeans as well. I wear my jeans for a couple days sometimes 3 days, before I change them. But all my other clothes I change everyday. My husband wears his jeans for a couple days, as well, but changes all his other clothes everyday. I used to work at the same place as him and some of the drivers stunk so bad I don't think they changed more than once a week. I think it is disgusting to smell that bad, and I wished I could say soemthing to these guys, but I couldn't insult them by telling them.
@liqian (7)
• China
7 Mar 08
it hard to say ,i often wash clothes when i feel dirty.
• China
7 Mar 08
In the summer we sweat a lot so I wash my cloth eveyday .but the other season ,If not after sports ,I wont changge my clothes everyday . I know that it's not good for the clothes if I wash them too many times.
@reejane (293)
• Philippines
7 Mar 08
After using it for the whole day, I considered my clothes dirty. Automatically, it will go to the laundry :)
@MGjhaud (23246)
• Philippines
6 Mar 08
it depends, but most of the time i wear them twice because i'm used to wearing new washed clothes just to buy something at the other building because when i get inside my room, i take them off. so that's why it's not too dirty to throw into my laundry basket, and so i wear them the second time around.
@bronie123 (4587)
• United States
7 Mar 08
Yeah i wash my clothes mostly after one wearing......... there are those times where i will wear a pair of jean more than once but thats only if i only had them on for a short lenght of time.
• Philippines
7 Mar 08
We, Filipinos, are very clean. We don't wear clothes that are dirty (except for the beggars, however) and wash them at the end of the day or if they got dirty. Similarly, we don't eat raw meats of fishes because we believe that they are dirty. We take a bath everyday and clean our room everyday. That's primarily the reason why Filipinos are great house helpers. We don't want dirty stuffs and everything must be organized (though it isn't exhibited in our government and economy).
@fhhailan (21)
• China
7 Mar 08
when life stinks,It's time wash my clothes.
@bowtieguy (5915)
• United States
6 Mar 08
I never wear anything more than once without washing it first. I always wait at least a week or tow before wearing it again so others don't think it dirty either even if it isn't.
@bfarrier1 (2082)
• United States
7 Mar 08
I always wash my clothes after wearing them once.I never wear more than once I know people as well that you just can't figure how they can not smell themselves and as you say Yuck!I work in a nursing home and my husband will tell me when I get home you smell like old people LOL so I make sure to wash clothes after ever use.Have a great day!