You're Gonna Have to Face It, You're Addicted To....?

United States
March 6, 2008 12:43pm CST
Do you have an addictive personality? What is an addictive personality? When you get involved with a new project or past time do you obsess over it? When you pick up a book can you put it down in the middle of a page or do you have to read the whole chapter? Can a person be addicted TO a personality? Take mine for any of you find yourself having withdraw symptoms if I don't post a new discussion or leave you a comment after a couple of days? Have any of you become addicted to the personality of one of your friends here on myLot? Is there a 12 step program in the works for people who have?
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3 responses
@catmint (628)
• Singapore
7 Mar 08
Oh, I am definitely obssessed with the World Wide Web! I suffer from withdrawals if I am away from it for more than 2 days. Speaking of obsessive behavior, I am guilty of that from time to time, the occasional chapter of a book I must finish, the table cloth I must to straighten, the guilt I felt when I don't write or post for some time, or that I insist that fruits must be eaten cold not hot. Though I managed to wean myself off obsessiveness with personalities. Limiting the kinds one would like to be among seems to tighten one's social circle.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Mar 08
Not addicted exactly, but there is a huge novelty in having friends that you don't actually KNOW, whose families are just references, that live in countries, town and cities that you may never visit and to whom you can say the most outrageous things. Most of my real life friends are bored with my jokes now so having a new group makes me like a kid with a new toy. I have a very trusting personality, so I believe what I get told, If you say that you are Britney Spears, I'll believe you. (Seen your pic so I know that your not). I find it interesting that most of the people that I come across here say that they're female. I flirt sometimes (but would run a mile if anything was to be made of it) and I notice that some of the other men that post here do to. But when we respond to each other, we are much more "matey". I think of my regular female correspondents as surrogate sisters a lot of the time. I tell them things that I would probably discuss with my real sister if I saw her more often. Don't know if that helps.
@mrpippo (756)
• United States
6 Mar 08
I see what you mean it seems like i'm addicted to my lot also , i try and walk away from the computer and then i say just one more response or one more discussion,need a my lot detox center