Whats your choice - sachets or shampoos in bulky bottles

March 11, 2008 3:26am CST
Hi! do you buy shampoo in bottles or go for sachets? I was used to buying big bottles of super saver packs shampoo,from the supermarkets and geting bored of using it everyday, till the last drop. Once my friend suggested that I go for sachets of different shampoos and use them according to my mood. I tried and Lo! my tiring session of washing my manes has turned out to be so exciting,like never before. My hair smells too good everyday and I feel more geared up with a different smell, something like Aromatherapy. What do you prefer?
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6 responses
@Ritchelle (3790)
• Philippines
8 Jul 09
i also go for sachets now for the same reason like you have. shampoos can get boring and i believe it loses it's efficiency with too much use.
• India
8 Jul 09
I think you are right.Trying them in bottles can be a waste as they are expensive and if you don't like them then its hard to dispose even. So sachets are good , since you can dispose it if you don't like.
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@chi2nasrin (1101)
• Malaysia
6 Jul 09
It is an enjoyable practice if you have normal hair and not the problem kind. I cannot change shampoo so often as not all shampoo is suitable for my hair. I buy big bottle so that it could be used for a long time. I also buy smaller one, easier to bring while traveling.
• India
8 Jul 09
You are right! If your hair is problem kind then its difficult to maintain hair health and smoothness everytime you change a shampoo. I prefer sachet for journey since I need not worry about the bottle getting leaked and ruining my clothes and other stuffs.
@kaka135 (14916)
• Malaysia
19 Jan 09
I usually buy big bottle of shampoo for my favorite brand. I think this is more saving money, and also if the shampoo is good for me, then I don't mind using it over and over again. Unless I am trying out a new brand of shampoo, then I will get a smaller bottle, but still I won't get the sachets for different shampoos. Once I think the shampoo is suitable to me, I seldom change to other brand of shampoo.
@silverglint (2000)
• Philippines
29 Jun 09
Somebody told me before that if you keep on changing shampoos, you get dandruffs. So I usually just choose one shampoo that I really like then I stick to it. Luckily I don't get bored with using the same shampoo for years. Though once in a way, there are new products that catches my eye then I would try them but not because I got tired of my old shampoo. If it turns out that I like the new one better, then I shift to that shampoo.
@gops121 (53)
11 Mar 08
seems like a good idea .. one of my friend also does the same thing .. her view of the same is that she uses more shampoo than required when she uses the bulky bottle.. but when she uses sachets... she knows that she has to use the same amount and washes her hair properly... sonds kinda right though... :)
@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
26 Jan 09
i buy in bulk now for my shampoo. i used to buy small bottles so that i can change my shampoo often. however, it's not easy to find shampoo that i like. either i like the smell but it doesn't work for my hair. or it works for my hair but i hate the smell. also, it's cheaper to buy in bulk. i can save up to 50% if i get the biggest bottle. lastly i save on packaging which is good for the environment too. cheers