Mother who carwashed her child in an interveiw...

United States
March 14, 2008 7:51am CST
Did anyone else see this woman in an interveiw the other morning?. you know how when u dont pull the lever to the hose in a car wash all it is is a mist?... well she says she never did pull the trigger. if she had the water really would have hurt her little girl.child protective services did check her out decided she IS a fit mother and did not take her kid away.(shes also pregnant with another). shes was saying how much she loved the little girl.and the reason why she did this was because the little girl was throwing a fit. and she wanted to calm her down... and by spraying the mist on her. it worked.. and that she cant really see why people are making a big deal out of it.. if it was that serious why didnt the carwash person come out and say aomthing to her iof they thought she was hurting the child?. they took the tape and gave it away to be published like this only for that little bit of money. what do u think? do you think shes lying? i mean we really can not see what is going on in the u think she should of had that little girl taken away?...
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9 responses
@CRiley27 (983)
• United States
14 Mar 08
I did not see it, but wished I did. I, personally think she needs parenting lessons along with someone holding her down and spraying her with a high pressure washer. Also, shame on that attendant who walked right by without doing something.
1 person likes this
• United States
14 Mar 08
well again,she is saying she never used the his pressure it was only mist,, if u do not pull the trigger the only thing that comes out is a most.... she is taking parenting classes at this time.
@CRiley27 (983)
• United States
14 Mar 08
I was not there, and the vidoe does show the child getting wet. Either way, I think it was a wrong form of disipline. But that is just my opinion. I mean, would you ever do that? I would not, and trust me, my kids sure can push my buttons sometimes. LOL
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
15 Mar 08
Everyone is missing hte point. They are all making it about the mother... forgetting about that little girl. That little girl didn't know what was going to come out of the nozzle. She didn't know it was only going to be mist coming out (if it really was). She didn't know it wasn't going to hurt. She didn't know Mommy was just trying to "calm" her down. That little girl was scared out of her little mind and most likely will suffer some kind of trauma episode the rest of her life because this mother did something so horrific to her. She probably wasn't hurt physically, but mentally - I'd be willing to bet she will be afraid of her mother for a long long time and from that will come other insecurities and violance and hate will be very common feelings to her. How could any mother do that to their little child anyway? Spray the living daylights of of the child to "calm them down"? Why are they riled up in the first place? FIgure that out and address that and you'll solve the problme. Scaring the mentality out of them isn't going to solve the problem. that woman should have to pay some price for the damage she has done to her little girl.
1 person likes this
• United States
25 Mar 08
Hey coffee break!!:) thanks for responding hun..
@jmcafam (2890)
• United States
14 Mar 08
I did not get to see the interview of this woman but still either way I think she was in the wrong. There are good and bad ways to get your point across to a child and that was not it. I think she should at least have to go to some parenting classes or something. Just watching that video of her doing that to the child was heartbreaking.
1 person likes this
• United States
14 Mar 08
She is currently taking the parenting classes:)
@kellys3ps (3723)
• United States
14 Mar 08
I have not seen the video myself, so I can't directly say how bad the incident was and if it warranted the woman losing her child. That being said, I think her method of punishment is deplorable. Discipline should be done with love and not in hopes of freaking your child out. I know my kids were scared of just being in the carwash itself when they are safe inside a car, I can only imagine the little girl's fear outside the car wash!
1 person likes this
• United States
14 Mar 08
it wasnt one of thoes with all the swishy things and stuff.. all it was was a simple hose and broom type thing to scrub the car. so nothing to fear like the way your thinking. and as far as what she said her hopes wernt to freak her kid out. she thaught it would calm her down... Yes i agree with you though. dispapline should be done with live....:). i would never havd done this as a punish towards my child at all.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
14 Mar 08
I didn't see her interview but, I did see the video. It is grainy but, it looked to me like that water was at full blast and, they interviewed two employees at that car wash and one of the employees demonstrated that it does mist without pulling the trigger. They showed how harsh it was when the trigger was pulled by spraying it on things like bread and fruit or something else and it tore that stuff apart. It just really looked, to me, like it was on full blast. Regardless, getting your child wet when you are out and about riding in a car, is no way to get her to stop "throwing a fit". If anything, that only makes anyone more upset. She should have her daughter taken away.
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• United States
14 Mar 08
But of it dod what u said it did to the bread and stuff.dont you think it would have left some kind of mark on the little girl?..... the mother turned herself in what the same day or the day after?. the mark that water would have left were not there.. the little girl had no injury's bruises nothing. thats why t he child wasnt taken away... i dont think they should have taken her.... Now had she of had the marks. or injurys then oh yea...
• United States
14 Mar 08
I have not seen the video but I did read the story on MSN. At first I was really mad about the incident. I do not necessarily agree with they way she punished her child but I think most of us as parents have had at least on moment in parenting when we thought wow I handled that wrong. I should have done this in a different manor. I know I have. As a parent I do the best I can and I am not perfect. I have looked back and realized my mistakes and have tried to learn from them. I hope that this mother learns from this mistake and finds better ways of punishment.
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• United States
14 Mar 08
Yes i agree with you.we are not perfect and i to have handled things the way i later on think about and relize mabey i should have used that way.... and as far as she said in the interview. she wasnt punishing the child. she was just trying to get her to calm down.
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
14 Mar 08
Well I do know that if you don't pull the trigger the thing does mist. I have not seen the video. Does it look like she is pulling the trigger?
1 person likes this
• United States
14 Mar 08
N you cannot realy tell at all in the video all can see is her holding the hose in one hadn and the babys arm in the other:(
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
14 Mar 08
I'm sorry but I still dont think it was an acceptable thing to do...accidents happen right so what if she'd actually pulled the trigger TOO hard...not to mention the fact that even if it was just a spray, its still humiliating to the child...
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• United States
14 Mar 08
Well the way she was speaking made it sound like this wasnt the first time she has done it. and when she does it it calms the child down.. I would NEVER do this to my child unless she was older and we were washing the car and squirting each other you know just acting like kids. but never to dicipline.
@jmcafam (2890)
• United States
14 Mar 08
I did not get to see the interview of this woman but still either way I think she was in the wrong. There are good and bad ways to get your point across to a child and that was not it. I think she should at least have to go to some parenting classes or something. Just watching that video of her doing that to the child was heartbreaking.