what do you think of an arranged marriage?

March 23, 2008 7:41am CST
I told to my friends daughter that even in an arranged marriage, she can find love. She was left by her boyfriend two months ago and she looks little depressed. To make her over come her feelings of cheating her parents are arranging a marriage for her.But she was reluctant to the arranged marriages and says there will be a forcing love in arranged marriages. I told her that loving the person(husband)is a real love in life and once it is developed, the joy of that love will be much more better than a love marriage. What do you think of this?
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14 responses
@chrysz (1602)
• Philippines
24 Mar 08
Some arranged marriages I know are the lasting ones. They might not be as exciting as the one that goes through the getting to know stage, dates and courtship before deciding to marry but they have made sure that they will try and some did fall in love with their partner after their wedding. I think it is the commitment to each other that makes marriages long lasting and not just the love that either develop before or after marriage.
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@chrysz (1602)
• Philippines
26 Mar 08
Thanks a lot! This is my second today and my fourth since I came back home. Happy mylotting!
• United States
23 Mar 08
Hello lucksath and welcometo mylot. I feel like arranged marriage is forced love and also forced marriage. why would I want to marry someone that I do not know well enough to know rather or not I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I feel like I can't marry someone that I am not in love with. Ihave to be happyand what if that person I was arranged to marry didn't love me or wasn't attracted to me. I feel like God will send that special person and I will just know that they are the one for me. I can't wait until Gods sends that one because I am going to take him hand uin marriage and marry him without a doubt.
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• United States
23 Mar 08
sometimes arranged marriages are useful, love is complicated and a lot of the time when you feel like you love someone you really dont. Lots of times love can grow even if you do not like that person because you learn more about them every day, i believe for the most part love is not instantaneous but something that has to grow even if it isnt liked at first, if it was instantaneous than it would not be as important as it is.
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@sugarfloss (2139)
• Malaysia
23 Mar 08
I believe in arranged marriage.God has set out a plan for us and I believe if I was destined for arranged marriage then I will go for it.
• Philippines
24 Mar 08
I agree to that! Only GOd can arrange our marriage and not our parents or whoever..Isnt it written in the Bible that even before we are born He already planned our lives?Thats awesome right?But still we have to be sensitive to His Words, calling and guidance for us to go the same direction He wants us to take.
@nilouette (632)
• Philippines
24 Mar 08
If they really give a chance to each other and find the inner beauty in one another, then maybe love would begin, then they can nurture it and let it grow. There were those of love marriages that didn't nurtured their love for each other and so it decreases as time goes by until came a point where the only solution they can think of is... divorce.
• China
24 Mar 08
I told to my friends daughter that even in an arranged marriage,she can find love. She as left by her boyfriends two months ago and she looks little depressed.To make her over come her feelings of cheating her parents and arranging a marriage for he,But she was dreluctant to the arranged marriages and says there will be a forcing lover in arranger marriages.I told her that loving thd person is a real love in life and once it is developed,thd joy of that love will be much more better than a love marriag.
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@Gesusdid (1676)
• United States
24 Mar 08
an arranged marriage kinda sucks to me i dont support it , like its getting married to a stranger like your parents put a person infront of you and here there you go this is a person your suppose to be happy with the rest of your life lol please i wouldnt do it if my parent did arrange it ..
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@srhelmer (7029)
• Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
24 Mar 08
From what I've seen, arranged marriages do work. The couple may not get to choose, but that freedom isn't necessarily a good thing. Arranged marriages have advantages because people are matched up based on things other than emotion and lust and everyone involved knows what is expected of them.
• United States
23 Mar 08
I think marriage is work regardless of how you get married. Personally, I wouldn't like an arrange marriage because my mom has tried to set me up with men and they were all very strange. But, if I had a good relationship with my parents and trusted them, I wouldn't think an arranged marriage is a bad idea. I believe you can grow to love someone after you get married. But, I don't think an arranged marriage is for everyone and should be agreed upon by all parties involved.
@mrsbrian (1949)
• United States
23 Mar 08
Im not real sure how forcing someone to marry someone they dont know can make a good marriage. The whole idea of dateing and spending time together before marriage is to get to know this person there likes and dislikes,how they handle themselves, and there thought and feelings, if in the dateing time you dont feel this person is for you than dont marry them. I would hate for my parents to force me to marry someone I have noting in common with
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@kishusia (1066)
• India
24 Mar 08
Happily married - Arranged marriages are the best.
Your friend needs to have a re-look at her views about arranged marriage. I believe that arranged marriages are more stable. In my family, all marriages are arranged marriages. I married in 1970 and my marriage has been the most successful. Me and my wife love each other. No ego, only pure and simple love.
• China
23 Mar 08
Once a marriage relationship is developed, there will be responsibility... merriage relationship ia uneasy to brake up
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@msfreeze (89)
• United States
28 Mar 08
marriage is tough enough already when we pick the person and some people are together for years before hand. so its hard for me to see how it can work out with a complete stranger and i would rather be alone than unhappy.
• United States
24 Mar 08
I personally could never have had an arranged marriage. I love the man that I chose for myself. For some people arranged marriages may be just fine. I have no problems with other people doing it. It can be great but is not for everyone. I hope she finds love.
@aenasao (129)
• China
28 Mar 08
I don't agree with what you said,as you know,the girl and the guy have not met each other before,they are not familar with each other,how can you believe they will find true love after they got married?i think the best way is that they can date and get along with each other for some time,and then,they will decide by themselves whether to marry or separate.