Things That Last Forever

@kellys3ps (3723)
United States
March 26, 2008 9:27pm CST
It seems like my mom had the same vaccum cleaner my entire childhood, but I have purchased at least seven of them since my first child was born only 15 years ago. They just don't seem to make things that last anymore. That being said, I do have certain things (Tupperware for example) that just keep going and going. What things do you have that seem to last forever?
4 responses
@SukiSmiles (1991)
• United States
27 Mar 08
I have a microwave I got in college - 1989, that I still use. I also have a dvd player that I have had for a long time. I wish I could remember when it was, but it seems it's been at least 6 years. I was told it was a crappy brand, but I said, I must have got a good one. It was before the regional codes were put in, so it plays dvds from different countries which is nice.
• United States
27 Mar 08
My husband and I both have 19 inch TVs that are 15 years old that are still in great working condition. We gave them to the kids to watch their videos and play video games on because my husband wanted a bigger TV for the living room. I have had a couple Tupperware things break, but it is only the new stuff. The old Tupperware is seemingly indestructible. Also the old Corell dishes last forever. Things are made with planned obsolescence and with less endurance nowadays on purpose so we will have to buy more often.
@Shawchert (1094)
• United States
27 Mar 08
It sure isn't my gum, lol sorry had to anyways i agree with you about the things that don't last. I have had my Playstation 2 for maybe 6 years now! and my tv for 3 that's a semi long time... and the books i have, yeah they last me thankfully lol. My coputer is a little over 5 years old too, although I myself have had it for 2. But more electronic stuff lasts for me than anything else.
@rpegan (596)
• United States
27 Mar 08
My family has a television that we purchased in Germany. It's going on about 25 years now, and it's just now starting to get a fuzzy picture.