i love my parents... :d

March 27, 2008 5:39pm CST
Can you imagine without your parents? Can you live with all of your stuff right now? Will you be happy? and can go to school? I can't live without them.But i know that time will come that they'll be gone and i have a new family.. I'll never forget them and i'll always love them.. I don't know how much will i thank them... All i know is my life is complete. ARE you happy with them? If you hate them then think again... You'll never know how much you love them if they're gone..
2 responses
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
18 Aug 10
I love my parents, they play role model for me in their love, hardwork and responsibilites!
@MsEddie86 (234)
• United States
28 Mar 08
i dont know what crazy house i would end up in if i lost even one of my parents. i love both of my parents so much.i cant even express the love i have for them now its so much. i know we get into little arguements but thats what there here for to show us things in life they have been thru. i know i wouldnt be the same if they were gone. i would try and keep my life going i would definatley need some kind of counseling to cope with my feelings i would cry so much at night because thats when i talk to my parents mostly and not hearing there ringtones on my phone everyday would jus hurt so bad.