Do you listen to the whole thing??

United States
March 29, 2008 11:37am CST
When you buy a album do you list to the whole thing straight through or do you just skip to the songs you like?? Do you have any that you only listen to one or two songs?? I think that you know you have a truly great album if you can listen to it from beginning to end without skipping around or whatever. Now you may not LOVE every song but still listen to them. I personally only have a few that I feel this way about and often on others I do skip to the songs I like and only listen to them. What about you?
5 responses
@MGjhaud (23246)
• Philippines
30 Mar 08
When I buy CD maybe because I really love a song out from that album and would really have a copy of it so point of exciting myself from listening to other music which comes first before my very favorite one. Usually I listen to them next time hehehe..
@jofeli (502)
• Indonesia
29 Mar 08
almost all the time i would skip the "unwanted" ones, and listen only to my fave songs. but there are some albums that ALL the songs are good, say from Groove Coverage, The Corrs, Westlife and Muse. I usually play their albums full from track one til end :)
@brimia (6581)
• United States
29 Mar 08
If it's an album/singer I really like I'll listen all the way through. If some of the songs are just okay..I'll listen to a minute of each to see if I like them and then skip forward to ones I like.
@inked4life (4224)
• United States
29 Mar 08
When I first get a new album, I usually listen to the entire thing a couple of times and then upload my favorite song to my Ipod. I tend to go back to albums every once in a while just to make sure that there isn't a track that I didn't really pick up on the first time round.
@megumiart (3771)
• United States
29 Mar 08
The first couple times Ilisten to a CD, I'll just skip to the songs I like, after I get a little tired of them, I'll listen to the whole album without skipping around. :]