Spanking to Discipline

spanking  - spanking to discipline
@ana3173 (420)
March 31, 2008 6:48am CST
I s it right to Spank? this has long been an issue for parents, educators, and child development specialist. There are those who will assert that it is right to spank, even going as far as quoting a Bible passage: " to spare the rod is to spoil the child." And then there are those, mostly from the field of child development, who will say that spanking will have a negative effect on the child in the long run. Is there a need to Spank? If rules are clearly established, and Parents and other adults consistently follow through with the implementation and the consequences,then your children will know that there is such a thing as discipline or management at home. This simply means that they have to abide. This brings me to your second question: Is two years old the right time to disciplining your child? Discipline starts when the child is born. A bit shocking? maybe. because we grew up thinking that discipline is equated with spanking or punishment. Discipline is a life-long process. That's why I mentioned earlier that you don't have to spank when there is no need to especially id you have practice implementing discipline techniques early on. We set up a routine for infants as young as 3 weeks old. Routine is already a part of discipline. you and your spouse should have a heart to heart talk as to the discipline techniques you want to establish with your children, so you can both be consistent in implementing them. This way, you don't send conflicting messages to you kids.
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