What Are Your Summer Plans?

Summer Fun! - Just an umbrella on a beach in the summer sun...
April 2, 2008 9:34am CST
Do you have any plans cooked up for the summer? If so, what are they? For myself, after the long crazy winter we have had, I plan to just enjoy the warm summer sunshine as much as I possibly can. My husband and I plan to go on a trip to Branson, Missouri, where they have a replica of the Titanic and it's a hotel that you can stay at. I am a great lover of history and things of this nature and so, I really hope that we get to go ahead with our plans for this. It's suppose to be a late anniversary trip. Also, we plan to go to Kings Island and hopefully Six Flags. I don't do rollercoasters but my husband is determined to get me on one, which will honestly never happen! However, I do love rides in general, especially water rides and I hear Kings Island has a lot of those. In any case, I am really looking forward to a summer of fun after the stressful winter I have had. What about you? What fun things do you all have cooked up for this summer? Please, share them with us and get yourself excited for a summer of fun!!!
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15 responses
@rhane7315 (5649)
• Philippines
3 Apr 08
for me i plan to go to the beach with my friends and go to our province as well. but i can't do that now because i still have class until in mid april
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• Australia
3 Apr 08
Yes, I love amusement parks!
@rhane7315 (5649)
• Philippines
3 Apr 08
forgot to mention that i also wanna go to amusement parks
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@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
3 Apr 08
well here summmers is going to be very very hot 45-50 C and we have power generation problem so lets see what happened even if we went, it might be for few days not for whole season Take care
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@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
5 Apr 08
Whats crazy my dear
• Australia
3 Apr 08
Wow, that's crazy!
@checapricorn (16061)
• United States
3 Apr 08
Me and my husband is planning to start a garden at least we can grow some verge which is very expensive in the store! Then Im looking forward to visit an Amusement park here in this area. I arrived here winter time so I was stuck most of the time in the house. I miss seeing people, families and wonderful views to nourish also my mind..Plus, I want to go swimming..miss it so much!
1 person likes this
• Australia
3 Apr 08
Yeah, I have been stuck in all winter and I hate it! I can't wait to be out enjoying the beautiful summer sunshine, wearing shorts and just enjoying being outside. I love to swim as well and so, I am really looking for to that also.
@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
3 Apr 08
I plan to have a fun summer and will hopefully have some sunshine to do this in. I am taking my baby son to Latvia and will explore the historic cities, pretty villages, scenic countryside and the peaceful coastline. The weather there is likely to be cool rather than hot. I hope to get a back carrier for my baby son and take him on some coastal walks like the South West Coast Path or the Pembrokeshire Coast Path. I will have some enjoyable days out with my two dogs. I hope to have a few days exploring with my best friend like I had last summer. It should be fantastic. I wish you a very happy summer time this year.
1 person likes this
• Australia
3 Apr 08
Wow, that sounds like a beautiful way to spend the summer months....
@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
6 Apr 08
I am excited about the summer coming! We plan on doing fun family things with the kids. We will be going to Mississippi for two weeks in July. My parents and my husband's parents are finally going to meet...after 6 years! My husband is a little nervous but I think things will be just fine.
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• Australia
6 Apr 08
Wow, meeting after six years! I can definitely see how that would make one nervous. I wish you all well and I hope everything goes off smoothly for you all, which I'm sure it will :-)
• Philippines
7 Apr 08
Im planning to have an out of town with my boyfriend and close friends, either in a beach or a place so quiet and relaxing. I've been looking for many places and I chose to stay in a beach far away from the city. Also I want to go to a place cold place like Baguio City as we have summer season today.
1 person likes this
• Australia
7 Apr 08
It sounds like fun! I'm jealous ;-P
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
2 Apr 08
yes, we are already making summer plans too. we are hoping to go to the local wave pool, definitely the beach , some canoeing, Ontario place and maybe some other amusement areas...not sure yet, depends on if hubby gets the new job or not...
1 person likes this
• Australia
2 Apr 08
Well, then, I hope he gets the new job :-)
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
3 Apr 08
Now that we are retired we spend the winter at what used to be our summer home, so we are going back to "summer" at our at what used to be our winter home. Confusing? Just imagine me trying to find where stuf is for the first few days. I tried to lay out stuff in the kitchen so that it is pretty much the same in order to be able to find stuff, but the computer will run a different operating system and different firewall, etc and we'll have a different ISP, phone system, etc. Let's see, the bed is facing in a different direction, the weather will be different, yes, it will be quite a change.
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• Australia
3 Apr 08
Wow, that sounds really cool. I hate winter and so, I wish I had the option to do that LOL...
@gunny685 (50)
• Mexico
3 Apr 08
I plan on taking a trip to a place called Stone Island, about 1000 miles south of where I live in Juarez, Mexico. Great beach's and fishing.
1 person likes this
• Australia
3 Apr 08
That sounds really cool!
@gemini_rose (16264)
2 Apr 08
Well plans for the summer this year include a lovely new garden! I have been saving really hard since the beginning of the year scraping every penny together and we have booked someone to come to do the work in June. I am really excited. We normally go on holiday in August, but we may not be able to because of all the money it will cost to do the garden, but all being well we may be able to just have a couple of days out instead. I just cannot wait to be able to sit outside in a nice garden and enjoy the sun, hopefully we get some this year instead of all the rain we had last year!!
• Australia
2 Apr 08
Oh wow, that sounds really relaxing...
• United States
3 Apr 08
That Titanic hotel sounds AWESOME! A roller coaster?!? Not a chance, I get dizzy if I turn my head to fast- HA! We don't have any plans for summer, really, more work on finishing the house. I bought paint today- finally the FUN stuff!!
1 person likes this
• Australia
3 Apr 08
Yeah, I really can't wait to go the Titabic hotel. I bet you are going to feel great when the house is done and I'm sure you will be happy with the results. That's exciting!
• Philippines
2 Apr 08
Hi sassy.. Me and my boyfriend is planning to visit Paris on our 4th year anniversary and that would be on the summertime. Its my dream to explore Europe particularly the love city--Paris with my boyfriend. We maybe visit the Disney World too and visit some historic places in there. Im just waiting for my boyfriend's arrival probably end of this month then we will book a tour, hopefully.
1 person likes this
• Australia
2 Apr 08
Wow, I'm jealous ;-P
• Greece
3 Apr 08
I have many plans but i do not know if i am gona do them! First of all i will go to a big concert with Manu Chao and other groups! Also i want to go to Belgium where a friend of mine owns a house! Also i want to go to Barcelona and learn driving!
• Australia
3 Apr 08
Man, I'm jealous ;-P
• China
2 Apr 08
No doubt,i'll go to watch the Olympics this summer,this Olympics is held in my country.it's a rare opportunity.Friends,do you have a plan to Beijing?if you come,don't forget inform me,i'll bring you to visit our country.believe me,i'm a warm host.WELCOME to Beijing.
1 person likes this
• Australia
2 Apr 08
Wow, that sounds exciting!
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
2 Apr 08
No plans set in stone. i just plan to enjoy my daughters last summer before kindergarten. Fill upour inflatable poo. Spend some days in the backyard. Play games with her. Enjoy watching her have fun. May go fishing. Nothing too spectacular.But sometimes home meories are the best.
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• Australia
2 Apr 08
Well, it sounds like fun to me and I agree, the memories are the best thing...