If you could start a band right now

United States
April 5, 2008 9:37pm CST
What would the band name be What type of music would you play What would your style be fashion wise? If I could start a band I would go by the name 7 lol because its the so called lucky number. I would probally play music simlar to rise against because I like how they can get real political on you. as far as style goes I wouldnt care what my bandmates wear as long as we produce good music lol. so if you could form a band right now what would it be. or if you have a band right now give me some details on it.
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1 response
• United States
6 Apr 08
My bands name would be Comic Book Girls Do It Better. I would be the lead singer, and there would be three other girls in my band.
• United States
6 Apr 08
lol sounds hott. what genre would your band be?
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• United States
7 Apr 08
We would be a hard rock/punk band and we would wear comic book costumes all of the time. We would be a superhero rock band. Take that Jem.