After a hard day...

United States
April 8, 2008 8:31pm CST
When you have had a hard day, what do you do for rest, relaxation and comfort?
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5 responses
@plumwish07 (4057)
• Indonesia
9 Apr 08
i think my hard day is today dear, i just doing comparing data and suddenly electricity turn off for 3 hours without any chance to save it. now i should compare data from the beginning again and my internet connection also loussy. hm, i just want to drink something cold when i arrived at home and lay down in my bed with my lovely cat ah, much tiring time today, dear
• Indonesia
14 Apr 08
hahahaha, yeah i know that i made hard work again. after all, many thanks that you also giving me some joy by rated my response in your discussion dear friend
• United States
13 Apr 08
I am glad that your electricity is back on... Sorry about the data loss and the hard day. I am glad that your lovely cat provides comfort to you.
@MGjhaud (23246)
• Philippines
9 Apr 08
When I have a bad day, I usually do things that would divert me from what causes me a bad day. If music or being in the Interent won't solve it, I go out and grab a bottle and smoke. But that happens if I can't stand being just in a room.
• United States
13 Apr 08
So first you listen to music and then resort to the smoke and the bottle... Try doing a little exercise outside like walking and focusing on the beauty around you... the trees, the clouds, the flowers and grasses... Breathe deeply in and out. If you are anxious, focus on the out breath, make it long. If you are angry deepen both the in and the out breaths and make sure that you are breathing from the stomach. If you are depressed focus on breathing in more deeply. These things will help you feel better without any smokes or bottles.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
9 Apr 08
there is no other way tahn to watch sometv. may be just chatting with parents and sleeping deeply. tahts what i do. i also read sometime.
• United States
13 Apr 08
Ah watching television... That can be relaxing sometimes. I am glad that you and your parents chat together... treasure the time with them... savor it fully. I like reading too.
@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
9 Apr 08
I usually play Rockband with my kids or play here on my 'puter. If my hard day has given me a headache, I will usually lay down for a while
• United States
13 Apr 08
It sounds like you and your kids have some good fun. I am hoping that you remain free of headaches.
@snakequeen (1299)
• India
9 Apr 08
After a hard days'work, it is tendency of people to go to bed for sleep. Even if you try to do something else for relaxation, soon sleep will catch hold of you! Sleep is the best relaxation method.