It's Raining & my dog is scared!

Max is scared of rain - This is Max in dry weather.
@jennybianca (12912)
April 10, 2008 8:33pm CST
It is raing lightly but steadily. Our Dalmation, who has always been scared of the rain, is hiding in his bed, looking ery nervous. This fear stems from when he became scared of thunder & lightening, which spread to a fear of hail, wind & rain. It is not stormy at all. Sometimes he is so scared that he lies right next to the back door. You may wonder why I dont bring him inside. This is because he was never toliet trained properly. He was my hubbys dog before I met him. If he gets bad, I go outside & comfort him. He does have the mini fox terrier there tp keep him company. Do you have dogs or cats that are scared of ordinary rain? What do they get up to? How do they act? Have you got any methods for curing a fear of rain?
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14 responses
@KarenO52 (2950)
• United States
11 Apr 08
I once had a German Shorthaired Pointer who was a stray that we found wandering around in my yard. Since we found her during hunting season, we figured she must have belonged to one of the hunters who uses the woods near my house. We tried to find her owner, but never did, and she was such a nice dog we decided to keep her. It didn't take long to find out that she was extremely fearful of thunder and lightning. She would shake, and try to hide, and I would sit with her and talk to her and pet her to try and calm her down. She never really overcame her fear. I don't think she was afraid of ordinary rain though.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
11 Apr 08
Another big dog that was scared of thunder. Ours shakes too. Fancy someone "loosing" their lovely dog. Makes me wonder!
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
12 Apr 08
She was lucky to find you as a new owner then.
@sprout (135)
• China
11 Apr 08
Is he afraid of shower which is just like slight rain? What he acts when he watches the movie in which there is thunder&lightening? So do some simulation practice may be helpful. Of Course, encourage&console is necessary.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
11 Apr 08
Actually you are right. This is what I have heard on vet programs. They say to desensitise dogs against thunder by playing a tape with thunder noises, bit by bit. Your movie idea would be similar.
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• United States
11 Apr 08
Poor little guy. I don't know what can be done to help him overcome his fear. My brother had a German shepard and this dog shakes with fear when he hears a thunderstorm. My brother has to lay on the floor with him and put his arm around him to quiet him down.
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@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
12 Apr 08
I don't have a Dog,but have a Cat that'll go out in rain,wind,frost or snow!...I read a while back that because Dogs have especially Sensitive hearing,The Atmospheric conditions of Rainy weather have the effect of amplifying sounds and cause Discomfort for some of them...Thunder REALLY pushes their buttons..must be like fireworks for them,not a good Idea to expose them to that..I suppose keeping them indoors would be the best preventative measure..
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
12 Apr 08
I have two cats & two dogs. One of my cats sat on top of the car roof & lifted her head up to "see" the thunder! That makes sense what you are saying about dogs sensitive hearing.
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• United States
11 Apr 08
mine only get upset with wind and thunder. i imagine noise from nowhere must be truly terrifying to an animal.but i can usually keep them calm with cuddles and treats. big thunder crashes though,it's into the closet they go.i guess they've decided that's their safe haven.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
12 Apr 08
Someone else said that dogs have such sensitive hearing that the noise of thunder is much loader to them than us. Poor dogs having to hide in the closet.
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• United States
12 Apr 08
that's true.they probably feel the vibration on the air before the thunder crashes local.
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• United States
11 Apr 08
oooh, poor thing, well everytime it start raining my little puppy(tea cup) gets really scare and sometimes she start running around the house like crazy lol, first time I saw that I got scare since she was making a weird sound and runing around the entire place, if you have seen the movie alvin and the chipmonks, the part were hian give them coffe and they get all excited runing around the whole place,well my dog was doing the same and since she is a tea cup she is really small and I couldn't even see her, it was really scarry now what I usually do I take her with me and I hug her, thats how I get her to calm down it might help you too. Good luck ;)
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
12 Apr 08
What is a Tea Cup puppy? They sound so curious & tiny. I guess the poor little thing must be terrified of very loud noises. Do you have a photo of a Tea Cup dog or puppy?
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• United States
14 Apr 08
They are really cute!! I'm going to upgrade a picture of my baby to my profile so you can see her. ;)
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@GardenGerty (158131)
• United States
11 Apr 08
I have not had any animals that were scared of rain. But I do want to comment that it sounds like you are getting some more rain, so, is it enough to end your drought? It is funny how creatures who cannot talk to us can still let us know what is going on.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
11 Apr 08
Ohh, I am sure the authorities will say it is no where near enough rain to break the drought, & they are right. Our dams (the largest is very near where I live) are only at 50% capacity. It would take weeks, literally, to break the drought. Still, this is good for the garden. The Government are about to start building a desalination plant, as we are so desperate for water.
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
11 Apr 08
Thats is too funny. I once had a cat that was scared of the rain too. He would hide behing the toilet. He even got scared if the sprinkler was on.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
12 Apr 08
Fancy a cat being scared of a sprinkler!
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
11 Apr 08
Buster doesn't particularly like the rain but he isn't scared of it. If it's nasty outside when I let him out to do his bussiness he will do it right near the door and quickly. Otherwise he runs to the side of the garage along the fence for his dooties. I have no idea how to cure a pet from it's fear of the rain other than training it to stay out there in it and sooner or later they get used to it. They may not like it but they may not fear it anymore. Reptition usually works training a pet. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
11 Apr 08
I think some kind of gentle repetition would be necessary,. I believe they call it to be desensitived.. Buster must have his little spots worked out when he needs to do it in a rush.
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@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
2 Aug 08
Our dogs are very afraid. Two of them will hide out and are more afraid then the other. They do not like thunder or ligtning at all. They wll also go under their blankets or want to stay in our laps. Two of ours are rat terriers. I dont know why it seems to be so different, when it dosent bother some dogs at all. These dogs are not outside dogs and have never been left out in the rain or had any other owners.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
2 Aug 08
My dog is scared of the rain, thunder and lightning also. He will get up in the bed with us and just shiver and shake. Sometimes he will go hide in the bathroom also. We usually hold him or let him sleep with us if it is thundering. He gets so scared.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
11 Apr 08
Really scared - Thunder storms are pretty scary especially for a dog who's seen lightening up close
Oh the poor guy! Do you guys have a utility or mud room that maybe he can go in? Poor thing!! My parents had a dog who was petrified of lightening and thunder that he'd beg to come inside so mom let him stay in the utility room and one night while I was at their house over night, I heard him cry out and had to get up and comfort him. I decided because he was so scared, I'd let him sleep in the same room with me... WRONG thing to do!! He kept nudgeing me to wake up and pet him so I did a couple of times then I had to be really firm and make him lay down. I hated to be like that to him but gosh, I had to get some sleep, what else could I do for the poor guy? I can't turn off the storm.... My point is, they're so scared that they want to be with us for comfort but the utility room is a close as a "not house broken big dog" should go. they just don't belong in a house because of their size however, for both of them, one night won't hurt.... will it?
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
11 Apr 08
We dont have a utility room as such, but we have a lage outdoor pergola where he is at the moment, completely protected from the rain. I have to admit, one day when the hail was truly frightening & loud, I took him in the kitchen & closed the door off to the family room. At least if he did something naughty (he wees inside) it is easy to wash in the kitchen. I have read & heard, that if we overdo it comforting dogs in storms, etc it can make them worse, as they come to rely on us fo0r every little bit of rain.
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@di1159 (1580)
• United States
11 Apr 08
Hello, my dog is also afraid of thunder. He will start barking up a storm when it starts and I usually have to end up sleeping on the sofa with him so that he quiets down. My vet said that dogs ears are very sensitive to this type of noise which would explain why so many dogs big and small are afraid. Mine isn't really trained either, but he will hold it when it thunders. Good luck to you!
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
12 Apr 08
That must be an interesting experience, sleeping on the sofa with your dog. But then I have my cat sleep on bed with me. That makes sense about their sensitive hearing. Our dalmation can sense a weather change coming a long time before we do.
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• United States
11 Apr 08
My 10 month old Black Lab is scared of rain. It's kind of cute in a silly way. If it's raining and she needs out, she'll hold it for as long as it rains which is crazy because sometimes it can rain with no end. Once, it was going on a day and a half and she still was holding it. Luckily I have cats too so I made her a litter box. It ended up raining 3 days nonstop. It would've been crazy if she tried to hold it that long. If it starts to rain while she's out, her fur will stand up and she snarls and barks and tries to attack the rain(I guess she thinks it's going to get her), and she barks at the sky (Her barking will make the sky stop dropping rain on her. Haha)Then she starts running around trying to hide and whinning. It gets so bad that people think she's vicious because she really gets at it when she's trying to fight the rain or people think we're abusing her because her whinning sounds so painful. I'm taking her to a trainer to hopefully find a cure.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
11 Apr 08
I kind of had to laugh at this, but of course it could get out of hand. SHe must think the rain is some kind of enemy. Fancy hanging on for 1.5 days because she wouldn't go out in the rain! My God, her bladder must have been busting, poor thing. Good idea to make her a litter box.. I didn't think dgs would use one. Very interesting.
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