Are dogs still faithful ?

@p_vadla (1685)
April 12, 2008 5:08am CST
In olden days it was said that the dogs were the most faithful animals especially to humans. How true is this these days ?
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3 responses
@goldwin65 (935)
• Malaysia
12 Apr 08
I have no doubt that dogs are still as faithful as before. I remember when I was young, my grandfather had 4 dogs. They were all very loyal and faithful to him and the rest of us. Whenever he goes to the garden which was about 20 minutes of walking distance, all the dogs will follow him and in a way became his bodyguards. They were able to circled and protected my grandfather when someone approached him. Now, I own a dog too but of small breed and he is an indoor dog. He is a cute and adorable dog. Although he is only 4 months old, he will follow me wherever I go in the house. Say, if I enter into the washroom, he will wait for me outside the washroom door. So, to me dog is born to be loyal and faithful to his master.
@madlees (1377)
• India
12 Apr 08
Why is there a sudden doubt about this dear vadla, dogs are always faithful. You need have no doubt about this. I am doglover and have been with dogs from my young age. I have a dalmatian at home. She is a very friendly dog, playing with everyuone, whether they are new or old she likes to be friendly with them. But I have to tell you this also, if I am not there with her and the door is open she won't let anyone enter. They cannot put a foot there on the step. Till my husband or I come there she'll stand there snarling, not allow them to step inside. We have to hold her and calm her down. If we are not at home then gone, she won't even allow someone to come and put the light on in the porch even if they are very well known to her. Once while playing my son wanted to test her. He came to me with his hand ready as if to hit me. She silently came and stood between us and wouldn't let hm come near me. Later we had to sit by her and pacify her.
@skysuccess (8858)
• Singapore
17 Apr 08
They still are the most loyal and faithful animal that a man can ever have. Since young, I have them around me. When I was a 4 years old, my grandparents mistook their pet as retiring so sent it to a far away forest for it to past his last days and 3 days later after walking for 100 miles he came back and continued with us till I was 8 years old. Where after bidding us good night he disappeared into the night without letting us feel sad for its demise. But, we were sad when one of my granddad's acquaintance came across his body at the cemetery. They are by far the most sensitive animal I have ever come across.