So today I'm cleaning....

United States
April 16, 2008 2:39pm CST
The living room. I have to say, this is the place I hate to clean the very most!!! LOL With five kids, they trash it so easily, and I get to that point where I just don't know why I clean it, because they will trash it later... But, I am looking to interview new babysitters this week, so I figure I at least need it tidy in there... Sigh... I'm hot, and cranky, and I'm not even halfway done. So, what are you doing today? ANything fun? Anything not fun? Talk to me!!!
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20 responses
@goergineo (1498)
• Jordan
17 Apr 08
I am going to work. work is a routine too. the same things every day. the same faces. and most important the same annoying boss. I wish some day I will have my own business and get rid of all that. thanks for posting and good luck.
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@busta1 (1026)
• United States
21 Apr 08
haha i hate cleaning but to have a really nice house or room it has to be clean like today i have to clean out my moms truck and man it was messy
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
17 Apr 08
No cleaning for me today! Today is my hubbies day off and we only have one car. So I will be out shopping today. And I love it. Have fun cleaning!LOL
• United States
17 Apr 08
It's so nice out today I decided to do some yard work haven't gotten far since the little one woke up but I have a feeling she will be going back to sleep soon so back out I will go little by little it will get done! Other than that laundry and probably a walk up to get the mail. Hae a great day!
@bluemars (952)
• Australia
17 Apr 08
Well right now I am not having too much as you see I am laying down trying to get some rest and my partner keeps snoring really loudly and also keeps moving closer and closer and I almost feel like I am on the edge of the bed. His elbows are so close I that when I type I sometimes hit his with mine. As if the snoring is not enough. I think I may have to keep nudging but it is sometimes like trying to work with a huge log. LOL
• India
17 Apr 08
If u r having 5 kids it is very natural that your living room is like garbage place. Yes, really I am having this experiance and it is a tough job. But a housewife can have alternative to appoint a babysitter. I am doing nothing today but talking with you. And expecting some fun. What you think about ?
• Philippines
16 Apr 08
lol..I have 5 kids too same as you they trash the house a lot. I have a maid who helps clean out everything now for us. Right now I'm at work. It's 5:15 am. I work nights shifts...Very sleepy at the moment. Trying to reach my 30 call limit. I stay here til 7 am..then I just got accepted in another work and that starts at 10 am-3pm.. So i know I will be a walking zombie.
@marty3888 (2355)
• Acme, Michigan
16 Apr 08
First of all, I'm with you there. In fact, my girlfriend's daughter is 20, going on 21 and same thing. i clean the living room, her and her boyfriend walk in and 5 minutes later, you'd never know I did anything. It is so frustarating! I'm waiting for the Detroit Tiger game to come on. I just got off of work. Actually, I'm going to watch "cash cab," then I'm going to watch gthe Tiger game. I'm also thinking of maybe scubbing the mold off the basement shower.
@dharma1 (35)
• United States
16 Apr 08
Maybe I'm weird or something but I honestly love cleaning. Of course I do live alone, but I used to work in adult foster care and had to clean house for myself and five adults aw well as do all the cooking and laundry and take care of medical needs paper work ext. My favorite was always the cleaning. Its relaxing you can see direct results from your effort. Plus most of the time when I am cleaning people don't bother me they can see I'm busy. Its a good way to get your own space when you live with a big house. Cause most people would rather not talk to you them talk and risk being asked to help. lol
@gemini_rose (16264)
16 Apr 08
Well today I did not do any cleaning at all, I just did a bit of washing and that was it!! I have 4 kids and I just get fed up of doing the same things day in day out, that usually means cleaning!! I am like you, how on earth do they trash a place so quickly, it is beyond me and I do not know why I keep cleaning up after them, so today I did not!! Plus we are now so fed up of it, we make them do it of an evening just before they go to bed.
• China
17 Apr 08
When we buy a house, we will primp it with much ado. However, when we have babies, they will destroy the nattiness of the house. This is always a ambivalent circle for almost all the spouses. So why can we treat it optimistically? Life is to begin with yippee! Wish you good luck!
17 Apr 08
I like to clean the living room, and keep it tidy as it is the first room you enter and I like to feel happy once I'm home. Perhaps you could encourage your children to help you clean? I only suggest this as one of my young cousins is about three and loves to sweep up with a dustpan and brush. Bit odd but his Mum is happy that is helps her with the housework! It is the kitchen that is my pet hate. I can't bear to use the oven as I opened it the other day as it stank of lamb. So I am waiting for my partner to clean it lol Anyway back to your question, today I am reading Catch 22 and then going out to get some jobs done. It is nice and sunny so it doesn't seem like a chore. Good luck with the babysitter interviews!
• United States
16 Apr 08
I usually put on some music for the kids to clean by, no heavy metal, but I let them choose the music. I've been cleaning, well, re-cleaning my kids rooms for a few years and the other day I let my daughter, who is 5, clean her room. She did it just like I would, a tear just dropped, she was proud, I was happy. It may never happen again this year so I savored it and applauded her over and over. Kids are little pigs because they don't understand the importance of keeping things nice, let the babysitter see it messy, that way she won't be surprised when it gets trashed and she has to tell the boys to help clean it up. What's that saying? "A house is for first impressions or is it, A house is for free expression." BTW, I'm going to Put-Put to sink a red golf ball.
@djd832001 (124)
• United States
17 Apr 08
i was doing the same thing you were doing. cooking and cleaning. i have one child myself and sometimes i think why i clean myself. but we all were sick with the strep throat and colds and i needed to get the germs out so other people can come in this house without catching anything
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
16 Apr 08
My son, DIL, 3 yr. old grandson and baby granddaughter live with me. My house is always trashed, I have had to learn not to get too pressed about the messes. It does get to me sometimes. The 3 yr. old can trash a house in a minute. My son could live like a pig. I am always doing some kind of cleaning around here.
@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
16 Apr 08
The livingroom really mine is the bathroom for obvious reasons. But I have all boys in my house and boys are known to have bad aim. I got plans to clean out my fridge and that is my next hated chore.
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
16 Apr 08
LOL...too funny for me to find this discussion right now. I decided to give myself until 4:00 to post, which is about 6 minutes from now, and then I would get up and put the living room back together. Things around here are just beyond frustrating. The bedroom is a wreck because everything had to be stuffed in there when the kitchen was expanded into what used to be their play area. Now there's not enough room in the bedroom to play but they can't have toys out here either. So instead the take the couch cushions off and play with them and the pillows and whatever else they can find that isn't meant to be played with...and I'm supposed to have the house spotless by the time the in laws get home. With three boys aged 5 and under you'd think expectations would be a little lower.
@whittby (3072)
• United States
16 Apr 08
I'm here on the computer. I was going to go run errands and decided to not spend the money and put it off for a few days. I could be cleaning too. Our living room gets picked up every single stinkin' day. I'll be doing it again in a few minutes. I sure hope your stays nice until the babysitting interviews take place - can you keep them out of it? , I can't. when I had five kids running around, I remember the work - but I was younger then too.
@shymurl (2765)
• United States
16 Apr 08
I know how you feel with the living room. I'm about to pick it up again. Then do some more laundry. The kids will be home soon and then I will help them with their homework. and then its off to baseball practice. And somewhere in there i'm going to make a meatloaf for supper.
• United States
16 Apr 08
I'm going to relax today. Yesterday i cleaned the house and i woke up today and its a mess. My son and husband were the culprits. I think that it is tiring and i just don't have the time to clean up day after day lol.