What is your motto in life?

@shynie (556)
April 17, 2008 10:27am CST
In our everyday lives we have certain principles that we follow. These are what we actually believe in. We all have our own mottos in life. Mine goes this way: Believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when they are right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so that better things can fall together. How about yours? What is your favorite motto or quote? Thank you for sharing! Happy Posting!
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26 responses
@SukiSmiles (1991)
• United States
17 Apr 08
Well, I have more than one. One is "Return with Honor" and I use that when working with youth, espcially if they are at a seminar or on a trip. No matter where you go, if it's just around the corner to school or work or across the world, always remember to return with honor. To do things that you and your family or community would be proud of when you are away - be the best person that you can be. I also love "Always maintain a kind of summer even in the middle of winter" by Henry David Thoreau. This one helps me to remember that no matter what is going on in my life that I need to maintain a postive attitute. Everything will work itself out. I have tons of them, but those are a couple of my favorite. I think it's because I use quotes in my scrapbooking and papercrafting that I like so many and for different reasons.
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@shynie (556)
• Philippines
17 Apr 08
Very well said Sukismiles. I just love your quotes. Actually thanks for giving me an idea of having maybe a notepad or some journal for all the quotes and mottos that I like. So I could write everything there and then maybe read it and be inspired. Thank you! Keep on posting!
3 people like this
• Canada
17 Apr 08
I would have to say mine is DTA, it is sad to say but this is what it means, Don't Trust Anyone, the world today is like this unfortunately with so many scammers and liars out there trying to take from you without earning
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@madlees (1377)
• India
18 Apr 08
Hi Wannameetya, I am also joining your category. Because I have also faced and experienced what you say, many times in my life. I have not had a motto or a quotation as such but now I feel I could take in your DTA as mine also. Sometimes life makes us like that.
@shynie (556)
• Philippines
18 Apr 08
Yeah, You can't just trust people nowadays. Thank you for your response!
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@checapricorn (16061)
• United States
17 Apr 08
"when there is life, there is hope". I will always live to this and always this motto makes me strive hard in life no matter how slippery my path will be! It will always give me hope despite of any trials and obstacles I will encounter and will always look at it as blessings to help me more brave and tough in this journey!
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@shynie (556)
• Philippines
17 Apr 08
That is an inspiring one! Thank you for your response! Have a nice day..
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• United States
17 Apr 08
You're welcome! Have a great day too!
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• Indonesia
17 Apr 08
"be your friends if it is too difficult and tiring, just be your self."
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@shynie (556)
• Philippines
17 Apr 08
I agree. We should always be ourselves, because if people loves us they will always accept us for who we are. Thanx!
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@jairgirl (2877)
• United States
18 Apr 08
"if you can't run, just WALK! if you can't walk, just CRAWL! what's important is... you DON'T stop!" i have many stories lies in front of me and i have learned that in life it's how we face the problem and pursue no matter how hard it maybe. i have hold this words in my heart since i can remember and it helps me to fight back and not to give up. problems comes and goes and we can only be brave to face it and still move on no matter how hard it is. life dont end where problems starts it ends only ends when we STOP. takecare!
@madlees (1377)
• India
18 Apr 08
Thjis is also a very good quotation jairgirl. Yes we shouldn't stop what we are doing when we face difficulty. We have to have that faith in God which will help us overtake all the problems. Yes we can crawl when we are not able to walk atleast that much we can do but we should do. that is a nice one dear
@jairgirl (2877)
• United States
18 Apr 08
hello madless, glad that you see and understand it the way i do, it is never easy to keep that faith along the way but once we pass such test we realize the reason behind it and we can see why such happens and we are a better person after that. i have learned from pains and hard lessons in life and NOW i dont want others to be treated that way coz i know what it is like. anyway, nice to hear from you. takecare!
@debu1456 (519)
• India
17 Apr 08
For me motto is that "success is never final and failure is never fatal, its courage that counts and success belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dream".....just do your duty and leave all to the God...
@shynie (556)
• Philippines
18 Apr 08
Your motto sounds moving. Thank you for sharing it. Have a nice day. Keep on posting!
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@debu1456 (519)
• India
18 Apr 08
You are welcome
@MGjhaud (23244)
• Philippines
18 Apr 08
I usually say, "whatever happened or happens, it'll be okay." That's always been my positive thought towards everything though I could see it's totally messy. hehehe.. But I have a general saying, i always state this anywhere. It goes, "you can do whatever you want, just don't let me know." It's like do whatever you want to do around or against me (might be) just don't let me know because that's where the issue starts. I'm not telling people not to this and that just don't let me see it.
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
18 Apr 08
Mine is just plain and simple, I couldn't think of anything good yet so I guess this could work. I could be possessive and selfish at times, this is what I always say to my friends whenever they would tell me that I'm starting to act like that.. "What's mine is mine alone, but what's your's is mine too!"
@michfroi (413)
• Philippines
5 Jun 08
for me my favorite motto is " honesty is the best policy", i believe that honesty should always practice to avoid misunderstandings...
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
18 Apr 08
Mine is life is too short to be unhappy all the time. I figure that there is plenty that we do have control over in our lives, and if you are unhappy with the way things are then take steps to change it. I also have two others that my s/o uses; I might not be much to look at, but I'm fun to watch; and My guys would follow me anywhere, but mainly out of a sense of morbid curosity' lol My other favorite one, my mom taught me, It never hurts to ask, the worst thing anyone can say is 'No'.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Apr 08
Judge not lest you be judged and live the golden rule Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. mymotto Live and Let Live. I do not judge anyone as I do not know their circumstances so I would probably be very wrong. I try to live the Golden Rule and treat everyone like I would like to be treated myself.
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
3 Jun 08
To just be myself, and to do the best that I can, in everything that I do.. To always be honest and show love to everyone.. Respect is another goal that I follow.. To try to do what I can, and to work on the rest later..
17 Apr 08
Dont worry if you can't do anything about a problem .If you can then do it.
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@shynie (556)
• Philippines
17 Apr 08
Yes, I guess you're right! Thank you for responding!
3 people like this
• United States
6 Jun 09
"If others can do why can't i?"
@schummi (924)
• India
2 Jun 08
18 Apr 08
One of my favourites has to be Reality sucks, don't mess with my fantasy
@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
27 May 08
I have this on my profile and I've been following it since I was in college. I don't know why but, I think its neutral: "Everybody gets what they deserve..."
@carinio98 (2929)
• Philippines
3 Jun 08
my motto in life was... try and try until you succeed...
@jesbellaine (4139)
• Philippines
19 Apr 08
I have many mottos in life but here is my favorite motto nowadays! :::: "In life, there are lots of people watching our next move. Desperately waiting for us to fail and even praying for us to give up. But I don't give them much damn. So let them be. It just doubles the fun of living" Happy mylotting!
@cjpaches (18)
• Philippines
30 Apr 08
i have a lot of mottos in life but one of my favorites is "do your best and God will do the rest". because for me faith is very important but the things you ask for wont be given to you unless you do your part. God Bless Shynie, take care. Have a nice day!! :)