Have to give a presentation soon, but I am so nervous!

@Sonadora (356)
United States
April 18, 2008 9:50am CST
I worked all day yesterday and all last night and then even some this morning working on this paper and the presentation. I feel good about it, think we have some really good stuff. But I am so nervous I'm afraid I'm going to blow it. I am a horrible public speaker. Apparently, my group mate is, too. I just want to get this over with!!
6 responses
@goergineo (1498)
• Jordan
18 Apr 08
well, I have been their many times. I was super afraid giving a seminar but here is what i learned to eliminate my fear. you must take a teacher position and imagine that it is a lesson given by you to the students. you assume that these people understand nothing about the subject and you will try to deliver the idea the best you can. by doing this the fear will become a secondary issue. good luck for you.
1 person likes this
@Sonadora (356)
• United States
18 Apr 08
Yeah, it works better that way. Thank you!
@pree_6 (434)
• India
18 Apr 08
i could realise your present situation..in my school days and college days always i was given with some assignments or project presentation..how ever good a person is in speaking,when it comes to a large gathering any person would feel nervous..but once u actually start speaking your fear wil come down...few tips that i could give u are be clear about the concepts ur gonna speak..have a point in mind that no one else in the gathering knows what u have prepared and start speaking...try speaking the whole stuff alone without people near you..this may raise ur confidence level..also speaking before a mirror is a good strategy as it wil improve on your body language...i have got these tips from my mom,this had helped me overcome my fear on public speaking...i can easily address a large gathering anytime..so keep in mind that everything is possible n never think that ur horrible in public speaking..u can do it...all d best...
@Sonadora (356)
• United States
18 Apr 08
See my comment on the previous response for how it all went. I did know the material really well so that was a good thing. Would you believe I actually blacked out in speech class in high school? At the last minute I actually decided to set my notes aside and just wing it. I think it worked out better that way.
@pree_6 (434)
• India
19 Apr 08
nice to hear that it went on well..keep it up..
@TShaheed (80)
• United States
18 Apr 08
You do fine. It is seldom that people are excited about speaking publicly but sometimes it's something that hs to be done. You've said that you have ood material now, all you need to do is practice presenting your material. You should try presenting in front of friends and family for practice. Don't forget to keep a steady pace and make eye contact with all of your audience. Also, I find that a cup of coffee helps me to focus better. you might want to try drinking some before you presentation ;-) Good Luck!
• Philippines
18 Apr 08
Just think that you "have some good stuff" that you'll be doing great in the presentation. With good preparation and positive thinking you'll get over it. Some speakers get nervous because they are not confident with their stuff and keep on worrying that they might make mistakes. The more you worry the more you get nervous. Relax.
@Sonadora (356)
• United States
18 Apr 08
Yeah, it's actually pretty funny. Before we presented me and my partner were both sitting there shaking.
18 Apr 08
try not to worry, i know that is easier said than done, i am in a similar situation at the moment i ahve something coming up within the next week and im so nervous about it too. I have dealt with public speaking before and would gladly trade you lol, ill do that for you and you take my driving test on weds. lol I can only advise take a few deep breaths and try and relax before hand the adrenaline will also help you so nervousness can be a help even tho you dont think so. The first few mins are always the worst when you get past that you will calm down and i think people will expect you to be nervous so dont worry too much and i wish you all the best for it good luck xxx
@Sonadora (356)
• United States
18 Apr 08
Thank you for the good thoughts! Believe me, I would much rather take your driving test. I just finished my presentation. I think it went well. I had to work with one other guy on it, and he spoke first. The whole time that he was speaking I was shaking so bad! Then it came my turn and I think I did ok. It was better at the end when people were asking questions. And one girl told me that it was the best one yet. Whew, now I can breath.
@wnbwnbwnb (426)
• China
19 Apr 08
Don't be nervous,my friend,the more relax you are,the better your presentaion would be! Actually,I used to be a shy person whenever I have to give a public speech,however,my friend told me an amazing approach to deal with this situation: Just Treat Them as Big Watermalons! try this and I'm sure you will feel ease!