Best Parents

Mama - my mother
April 19, 2008 4:08am CST
What do you admire most about your parents?My father is really fun to be with and he is a great listener and he's fun to talk to too. He has a great sense of humor too and I just love being with him. My mother also has a great sense of humor. I also like spending time with her. She's also strong and kind. How about you?
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6 responses
@checapricorn (16061)
• United States
19 Apr 08
I both love them and really admire the way the raise us up! My dad has a great sense of humor, very disciplinarian too but not to the point of hurting physically, very responsible,kind,loving and tough! My mom is super patient, very loving and caring too,strong,determined,knows how to budget perfectly,great cook,thoughtful and sweet!
• United States
22 Apr 08
Hi nanayangel, That's correct, nowadays child is more expressive unless my time, very obedient and reserve! Anyway,maybe it's also good to spank once on a while but not to the point that it will hurt them a lot and we have to explain always why we do it and let them understand it! About budgeting, I am also weak about it, trying to work on it still!
• Philippines
23 Apr 08
Yeah, I've noticed that too. I thought before that the next generation, our children are more hard to discipline than us and the ones before us but I though too that maybe I'm just getting old that's why I feel that way. Now I know I'm not alone.
• Philippines
22 Apr 08
Hi there Che! I think that being able to discipline your kids without hurting them physically is really great. That seldom happen especially nowadays. And to make your children appreciate what you do is much more rare. And your mother sounds perfect. I am not even good in budgeting. I am working on it though. Thank you very much for your response.
@kezabelle (2974)
19 Apr 08
I admire how strong they both are how they both worked long hard jobs to support me and my sisters and to try and keep us clothed and fed. I admire how strongly they believed in bringing us up well and making sure we grew up with good morals and beliefs. I adore both my parents and I miss them a lot now I live so far away and since having my own children I realise even more the struggle they both went through to bring us up so well and now they make fantastic grandparents to my little girls and my children adore them as much as I do!
• Philippines
22 Apr 08
Hi there Kezabelle! Yeah, some people take it for granted that their parents are working really hard to give them their basic needs because they feel that it is their responsibility. It is their responsibility to us but a thank you and obeying them will be a very good way to show them our gratitude. I am not a perfect daughter but like you, when I became a parent myself, I understood everything. All the reasons why they say and do things that sometimes, we don't think is right and reasonable. Thank you very much for your response.
• Philippines
22 Apr 08
Yeah, I think that appreciation really comes alter on in life when we mature. God bless and have a nice day.
@hassanah (387)
• Malaysia
22 Apr 08
i love my parent.My parent are the good parent but i want they give me many money like my friend's parent.But i still like and love them because without them i will not born.
• Philippines
23 Apr 08
Hi there hassanah! I have heard that from my friends too. They usually whish that their parents were as rich as someone else's parents are and that they wish that they give them more freedom. But I think it's only a small thing and it's the love that really matters like the way that you love your parents. Thank you very much for your response.
@snakequeen (1299)
• India
22 Apr 08
I loved my mother, who was vey affectionate to me, more than anything else in the world. Loved my father also, but not so much as mother. They are no more now.
• Philippines
28 Apr 08
Hi there snakequeen! I see. Our relationships with each of our parents really differ from each other. Some with unnoticable degree and some with really heavy reasons behind. Thank you very much for your response.
@cmelton (160)
• United States
22 Apr 08
My father was a great listener and he was always ready to give advice. He was also very kind and would do anything for anybody. My mom is a strong woman and I know I can always depend on her. I am very fortuante to have 2 of the best parents. Sounds like you do too.
• Philippines
23 Apr 08
Hi there cmelton! Yeah, I think we're both lucky. Thank you very much for your response.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
18 Aug 10
I love my parents, they play role model for me in their love, hardwork and responsibilites!
• Philippines
27 Aug 10
Hi there Best Hope 44! Thank you very much for your response. It is great that you have your parents as your role model. It is important especially considering how we learn first through modeling and how the ways of our parents help mold our personality.