If you were planning a tattoo ...

@GreenMoo (11834)
April 21, 2008 11:19am CST
If you were planning on having a tattoo, where on your body would you choose to have it? Or if you already have a tattoo, whereabouts is it? And why do you choose that spot? I understand that different places hurt more to have it done. Did that play a part in your decision? And how about visability? Does it matter to you whether other people can see it?
15 responses
• United States
22 Apr 08
i don't plan on getting any tattoos but if i were to break down and do it, it would be more for a cosmetic purpose than anything else. i have vitiligo (for those who don't know what that is, it's a skin condition that causes bright white patches that do not tan) and i've pretty much learned to live with it. the patches on my elbows and legs don't bother me too much really and the ones on my eyelids and under my chin i can cover pretty well with makeup. the ones i dislike the most are on the tops of my hands. i love my hands...they are probably my best feature. long fingers, i get my nails done all the time, not too bony or veiny...but in the past 5 years or so i've gotten these white spots on my hands and they are really bright when the skin around them tans in the summer. i considered getting tattoos of flowers, butterflies, dragonflies, vines, etc on the tops of my hands to cover these spots. does that sound strange to anyone??? lol
@GreenMoo (11834)
28 Apr 08
Doesn't sounds strange to me at all, but wouldn't it just draw attention to what you were trying to hide?
@Nardz13 (5055)
• New Zealand
22 Apr 08
Hi there. I have several tattoos over various parts of my body. One of them is a dragon over the whole of my left foot, with the head going up my ankle, getting this tattoo was really painful, as the foot is mainly all skin and bone, I wont be going there again, in saying that, I am proud of my dragon. As for visability, I got all my tattoos, because I wanted them and they represent different things and stages in my life. At no time did I get tattoos to impress others, or to worry about what other people thought, I couldnt care a less, these tattoos I have, are designs I wanted which Im proud of. Have a great day...
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@GreenMoo (11834)
24 Apr 08
If you have a permanent mark made on your skin, I completely agree that it should be something you are proud of and that means something special to you. You have to live with it for the rest of your life after all!
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@trish331 (33)
• United States
22 Apr 08
I have one tat on the inside of my lower leg. It didnt hurt much. Of course, I never thought I would get a tat because I am scared of needles. My next tat will be on my upper arm. I am getting 3 butterflies with my children's names weaved in them.
@GreenMoo (11834)
28 Apr 08
So what encouraged you to have the first one done? I like the idea of the kid's names int he butterflies. That sounds lovely.
• United States
28 Apr 08
My husband and I agreed never to tattoo each others names on us. So instead I decided to get his nickname for me. I have a heart wrapped in a rose and banner with 2 birds holding the ends. The banner has the word "momma". I surprised him with it and he loved it. He has a guardian angel with an armband of the kids' names on his upper arm.
22 Apr 08
I don't have a tat & I don't really plan of getting one, if I did, however, I'd want it to be something meaningfull, not just an animal or something, something that means alot to me & I would have it on the very top of my arm.
@GreenMoo (11834)
28 Apr 08
I completely agree that it ought to be something that means something to you. You're stuck with it for life after all!
• United States
23 Apr 08
Placement for tattoos for me has more factors than where it will hurt. mainly becuase i don't think tattoos hurt. But also because i feel that a tattoo should fit whatever are it is being placed(flow with the body). I have my lower back done, my neck and shoulder blades area, on my right side i have a vine from my boob down my ribs along my hip and over to my bikini area, i have one one my ankle and i am in the process of getting a half sleeve. my sleeve is the only tattoo of mine that is visible when i am wearing jeans and a tee. untill i became a stay at home mom all of my work had to be out of site. tattoos are becoming more and more common, but I feel it is still important to look professional in the work place.
@GreenMoo (11834)
28 Apr 08
Are the tattoos all linkeed? I mean, part of the same theme? They sound amazing, particularly the vine. Agree with you about keeping them hidden when you want to. It shouldn't have to be that way for work, but it is.
• Malaysia
30 Apr 08
I have 5 tattoos. getting my 6 & 7 very soon. The most painful part? The rib cage! I have a Borneo scorpion tattoo done traditionally on my rib cage. OMG! The pain was unbearable. But I got thru it. Why? Because it meant something to me. The second most painful part of the body to be tattooed, you ankle. I have a tattoo of a vine tattooed from my ankle till my knee, symbolizing my growth, my maturity.
@GreenMoo (11834)
30 Apr 08
Oooh yes, I imagine the rib cage would hurt allot. It's where the bone is near the surface that it must hurt? I love the idea of the vine one. All tattoos should mean something, otherwise there's no point.
@MGjhaud (23246)
• Philippines
21 Apr 08
I don't have a tattoo and would love to have a huge one on my back just below my nape down to my spine. I want it big and and all black ink. I had a fixed plan before to get a tattoo but when my father knew it, he told me not to pursue it so I did not. Good child you know.. hehehe.. Anyway, I hope one day before I die, I'll be able to get a tattoo on my back. I'm scared of needles actually but for tattoo's sake, I will.
@GreenMoo (11834)
22 Apr 08
That's a big tattoo you're talking about there. What would it be of? All in black it should be pretty impressive, whatever.
@signum (545)
• Australia
22 Apr 08
I have four tattoos. One on my right ankle (of a band i like) one on my left arm in the middle (of another band i like) one on my right wrist (group of musical notes) and one on the right wrist on the opposite side (of a treble clef with a rose around it)...i think it may be plain obvious that all my tattoo's have a musical theme lol. I am getting more in the future and they will stick to the music theme. I live my life for music and I would not change my tattoo's for anything or anyone. I don't care how crap they may look when i am 90 years old lol.
@GreenMoo (11834)
23 Apr 08
If music is your life then it's obvious that that should be the message you give with your tattoos. Better than something meaningless, definately.
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@RhodaK (177)
• United States
22 Apr 08
I have 6 tatts. I love them and Yes they are addicting. I have one on my left calf, one on my right ankle, one on my lower back, one on my right shoulder blade, one on my wrist and one on the top of my foot. The worst one I have had pain wise would have to be the one on my shoulder blade and that was my last one!!!
@GreenMoo (11834)
28 Apr 08
That's really wierd, I would have guessed that the one on your shoulder blade would be the *least* painful of that lot, with the ones on your foot, ankle & wrist hurting far more!
@bluishrose (2289)
• Philippines
22 Apr 08
I already have 1 tattoo at the back of my neck. Its my name on it. I can hide it anytime when it should be specially at work by wearing polo or blouses with collars. It really doesnt hurt placing it there comapred to other parts because skin is thicker there. I don't really mind people seeing it, its y trademark and i just turn around so people can easily know my name =)
@GreenMoo (11834)
27 Apr 08
That's a really cool idea for a tattoo, and I like the position too :-)
• Philippines
22 Apr 08
the only kind of tattoo i had before was henna with tribal-like signs on my hand... now i want to try having a tattoo for real.. at my lower back just above the butt.. with the number 21 which is my boyfriend and mine's anniversary. i chose that spot because its summer so it will be visible when im in my suit :D
@GreenMoo (11834)
28 Apr 08
I love those henna ones, but I've never had them done.
@ruby222 (4847)
22 Apr 08
Well if I were planning a Tattoo...the first thing that I would need is a map and a compass...lol...but the chosen spot would have to be out of sight and out of mind...as im not into tattoos.. Hubby had one when I met him..a little heart on his arm..with a name inside...and luckily enough...we married..and the name was the same as mine!!!
@GreenMoo (11834)
24 Apr 08
Do you think blokes who fancy tattoos should avoid dating girls with long names? Imagine have Anastasia tattooed on your arm. You'd have to have to bulk up your biceps to get it all on :-)
@arn13n (13)
22 Apr 08
I have 2 tattoo's on my body 1 of a black flame on my chest bone which didnt come out like i wished so hoping to get it redone. the other was a bit of a joke as my mate got one too, some people have said it was sad but i like it and thats what counts, i got it on my back on the upper right of my shoulder (its the autobot symbol lol)
@GreenMoo (11834)
27 Apr 08
That's a nightmare, a tattoo that doesn't come out as you imagine. a friend of mine chose a design of an eye, but when she actually had it done it was the wrong way round. not allot you can do about it once it's there though huh?
• Philippines
22 Apr 08
i actually have two, one is on the base on my spine and the other is just above my right pelvic bone. both are actually hidden undless i choose to "flash" them. hehehe.
@GreenMoo (11834)
27 Apr 08
I think that's the best way to have tattoos, hidden unless you choose to show them off. They're a secret between you & your chosen few :-)
@meiji15 (664)
• Philippines
21 Apr 08
probably it will be placed in either my lower back or my upper arm. to be honest, i'll get a tattoo done in a ny part of my body that will not be seen by my parents. i grew up in a very conservative and traditional family. when i got the second pair of ear piercing my parents went berserk. i really like to have a tattoo but i don't like transgression---particularly with my parents' traditional ways. for now, the plan is there. the actual tattooing, well, that's another story :D
@GreenMoo (11834)
22 Apr 08
As Ruthep above says, the lower back is one of the areas that's said to really hurt. Would knowing that change your decision?