Would you buy generic baby food for your infant?

@shaggin (71672)
United States
April 23, 2008 8:52pm CST
I remember talking to someone when my daughter was a newborn about how I wonder why there has never been generic baby food options when there is generic food avaible for almost every other type of product. The woman said because no one would want to feed their children generic food. She asked me if I would and I didnt know what to think at that point but realized since then it doenst matter to me if its name brand or not. On my households income I cannot be brand choosy. I was at wal-mart the other day and saw the usual gerber and beechnut and earths best baby food jars and suddenly wow they have parents choice baby good packs. They are about .84 or .94 for a 2 pack so it was cheaper then all the rest and looked like you get more in the package as well. I think they would have to test the food on something first to make sure it was safe just like name brand companies would have to so I am not bothered by the fact that its generic. I am sure its almost as good quality wise. So I give HUGE credit to Parents Choice a brand at Wal-mart for making what consumers need. They only have fruit flavors right now that I saw but hopefully soon they will carry vegetable flavors as well. I dont buy baby food only for when we are out shopping or something or when my son needs prunes. I make my own with a blender.
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3 responses
@emma412 (1156)
• United States
24 Apr 08
When my daughter was eating baby food I made all of my own. However, if the non name brand baby food contained the same thing as the other ones I would probably by them. Why not if it were the same thing and cheaper? As long as the quality was the same, I wouldn't mind. I tried the Parents Choise wipes one time and hated them! I now won't switch from Pampers to anything else because those wipes were a waste of money.
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@shaggin (71672)
• United States
8 Oct 10
I made baby food for my children homemade a lot as well. It was actually fun to make it and see them enjoying it. I would buy the baby food in containers at the store for when I went places rather then tote around food that I made and risk is spoiling. Certain baby wipes are better then others. I hate parents choice baby wipes as well. I love huggies brand of baby wipes but I buy the equate brand which is very similar.
• United States
24 Apr 08
I buy store brand whenever possible...for everything. I pretty much skipped baby food with my youngest (who just turned 2). I hate baby food. She had some here and there but we never fed it to her regularly. She still got her bottles of formula and ate anything we were having that was soft or mushy. When she was 7 1/2 months old (Thanksgiving 2006) she fed herself for the first time (turkey and all the trimmings). Since then she has pretty much been eating table food. We barely bought any baby food at all. But if they had generic I would have bought it. I always bought the store brand baby cereal and snacks if they were cheaper then the name brand.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
24 Apr 08
I used the generic baby formula for my son. At the time they didn't have the generic food or I would have bought that. Had I known then what I know now, I would have just made baby food from scratch.