What do you wash your hands with - soap, liquid handwash or something else?

@pitstop (13066)
April 24, 2008 9:10pm CST
I'm just curious about how you wash your hands. I've always used normal soap and water to wash my hands. Do any of you use liquid soap/handwash? I just bought some of it and it smells really good. What about handrubs and other stuff available - do any of you use it on a daily basis?
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10 responses
• United States
25 Apr 08
i try to use a soap with moisterizer in it, i use dial or soft soap, i just brought a lotion from victoria seduction hydrating body lotion it's casaba meon, plum and freesia it smells so good i went back today and brought me another bottle just to have.
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@pitstop (13066)
• India
25 Apr 08
The victoria lotion sound exotic - does it smell heavenly too!
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• United States
25 Apr 08
yes it does it smells very heavenly and lasts a long time.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
25 Apr 08
In the bathrooms we have the liquid handsoap - is is vanilla honey or something. In the kitchen we just have dish soap. Depending what I have on my hands, depends on which soap I use.
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@pitstop (13066)
• India
25 Apr 08
Do you use dish soap for your hands - isnt that bad for your hands?
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
25 Apr 08
Doesn't really bother my hands. We use dawn, I don't find it any more drying than normal hand soap.
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@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
25 Apr 08
I always use liquid handwash... but if i run out of it... then i resort to using regular soap... i don't know why but i am so very used to using liquid handwash... i think they are more sanitary... since the liquid that i get from the container will only be used by me... unlike the regular soap...
@pitstop (13066)
• India
25 Apr 08
I didnt think about it that way - it makes sense! I think I may end up switching over to liquid for good!
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@kbourgerie (8780)
• United States
25 Apr 08
I always use liquid soap. Bar soap sits in the dish and leaves a film. Not only that when you have an 11 year old boy washing his hands, even the soap can get pretty dirty.
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@gcrew931 (228)
• Philippines
25 Apr 08
I use liquid soap! But when I'm on the go. Like for instance im assigned to do field work I use hand sanitizers like purell. It smells really good and it looks credible in it's claims of cleaning or hands. I also love the fact that is in gel form so with just a little drop you can clean both of your hands.
@maysie25 (10)
• Australia
25 Apr 08
I use liquid soap or soap with a moisturiser in it, normal soap can dry your hands out and cause skin irritations. I just have to add never put vasaline on your hands I tryed it cause my hands were really dry and I ended up getting heat rash on my hands because the skin couldnt breath. it was soooo itchy and hot, dont try it.
@pitstop (13066)
• India
25 Apr 08
Thanks for the tip about the vaseline Maysie - will remember it!
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• Philippines
27 Apr 08
organic chemistry told us that soap would surround dirts by forming micelles around them,then it would be washed off by water.Any soap is useful
@Breath (1297)
• United States
25 Apr 08
We use soft soap(liquid soap)in our bathrooms...I love the peach scent the best so far...
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• India
25 Apr 08
well freind i use normal soap for washing my hands but i see to it that it is of a good quality.
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
26 Apr 08
I have liquid soaps that foam at the kitchen and bathroom sinks. They smell great and are easy to use. I always hated the soap scum caused by bar soaps.