If a dog bites you, what would you do?

@goergineo (1498)
April 26, 2008 7:07pm CST
what would you do if you find a dog biting you...? do not tell me, you will forgive him....
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8 responses
• United States
27 Apr 08
i have been bitten by dogs in the past and had to get a tetinus shot. a dog with the same name as me used to chase me when i was a little girl. i have been afraid of dogs. but not any more. dogs, even the most vicious ,love me, even if commanded to bite by the gang bangers. they wag their tails at me and wimper. dogs sence a good person from a bad. they sense i have love for them and will give them a milkbone or snaussage. a pit bull was about to bite me and stopped short when he realized i was a good person that loved dogs. this happened to me many times. i talk really nice to them and pet them and scratch them under their chin, and we have an understanding. they know i have been a mistreated abused person. and they know i would make a good humnan for them to have. they know by instinct.i am more of a cat person. but i love all animals.
@ruth16 (81)
• India
27 Apr 08
i'll try pushing the dog away or beat the crap out of it using a stick or stone wadever get the hell out of der..then rush to a nearby doctor and get myself checked up in case the dog might be having rabies...
• United States
27 Apr 08
It truly depends on why the dog is biting. If play biting you teach it not to bite with corrective behavior. If biting because it is attacking find out why it is before doing something about biting. If biting because it is hurt or hurting that is normal and you get it taken care of by the vet. If you get bit and it breaks the skin you go to the doctor yourself for care.
@Seraphine (385)
• Finland
27 Apr 08
Depends on whose dog it is. If it's my own, then I'd blame myself for missing his warning signals cause a dog that's well trained always warns before he bites and I know no dog of mine will ever bite without a reason. If it's someone else's dog, I'd take it up with the owner and report it to the cops if it appears the dog is dangerous to other ppl and the owner won't take responsibility for his dog.
@shaycv (12)
• United States
27 Apr 08
It depends on the dog and why he/she is biting. In most cases, I would tell the dog "no" in a firm voice and continue with what I was doing.
• Alexandria, Virginia
27 Apr 08
Call he dog wardenand retreat to my car, Take a picture of the dog
@megumiart (3771)
• United States
27 Apr 08
It depends on how hard he/she bites. If it's a playful bite, I'd firmly say "no," and ignore the dog so he learns not to bite people. If it's more like an attack, I'd get away from the dog and go to a hospital.
• United States
27 Apr 08
Scream and cry and flail around like a loon. Then I get cleand up go to the doctor and get it looked at. No I wouldn't get mad at the dog.