it's summer now! i wanna lose weight!!

April 27, 2008 5:28am CST
it's getting hoter and hoter easy day. and i found myself fatter. my clothes are becoming tight! i have to stop eating too much. but i just can't help it!!. last night, i eat a light dinner. i feel good. but later that night, i went out and ate two ice cream!! i feel guilty! what can i do about my appetite? any suggestions about losing weight?
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4 responses
@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
27 Apr 08
Wow, you seem to have an abundant supply of food. Well, you did mention that its hot. You can cut down on your food intake by drinking more fluids. Water or tea can really be nice. It makes your stomach full which gets your appetite down. If you can't stop your appetite, you might as well do some routine workout so that you can shed some of the food intake. In my case, whenever I watch television, I just do sit-ups during commercials. If your seated while watching television and you don't want to lie down to do sit-ups, while seated, you can simply raise both your knees until you feel that burning feeling on your abdomen. I think you can even lean your upper body forward to really feel that abdomen tightening. I really eat so much than usual. When I eat at some place, my rice order would always be double than usual and it would really be much more when I am at home. I guess even if you eat more, as long as you do workouts, a large appetite wouldn't be a problem. They say that you only need focus on such regimens but, you could also look at one's metabolism.
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• China
27 Apr 08
you mean do exercises in intervals. it's a good idea. but it may need some time to culture that habit. it will boost metabolic rate, doesn't it? 3x for nice and specific advice. i will try!
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@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
27 Apr 08
Well, I only lift weights for about 15 to 30 minutes every day. Sports is a good thing too if you have an interest in one. Since its hot, you can try swimming for an over all body work out. I can't do that though since there aren't any nearby pools in our place. Just do a work out that you like every day. It doesn't have to be rigorous instantly. Hope you do well
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• China
28 Apr 08
for me, a pool isn't available too. i guess i will climb the staies instead of taking elevator everyday. and take a brisk walk in the evening. good luck!!
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@jayalaksmi (1039)
• India
10 May 08
There are many people who are concerned about loosing weight and the best two suggestions i can give you are joining a gym and joining yoga classes or doing it yourself. Many believe that doing yoga especially pranayam is very helpful and is one of the best method to lose weight and i have seen many people loose their weight by doing yoga. Gym is also a good weight lose destination and you can loose your weight by joining a gym too.
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• China
11 May 08
i do yoga too. but i just can't help eating too much. now when i'm hungry, i just drink milk. it seems to be working! i have lost 0.5 pound. lol...
• United States
27 Apr 08
Wow. I understand what you are going through. I fell guilty when I eat ice cream too and it sucks. But look let me tell you something. I've always thought that it was going to be hard to lose weight but it's really not. I've been telling my mom that I was going to lose weight for the past three to four years already. Now I was diagnosed with high cholesterol by my doctor. When I first got to college instead of gaining the freshman 15 I gained the freshman 20. So this year I decided that this would be the year to lose weight. I have been losing weight. So far I've lost eight pounds and I think that so far I've been doing good because I haven't been losing weight too rapidly because it's dangerous and I've been doing it the right way. I've been exercising at least one hour whenever I can. I've also been eating in small portions, and I've been drinking a lot of green tea which I love anyways. I still get to eat candy a few times here and there and ice cream. I even ate two bars of Mocha Frappucino Starbucks ice cream in one day and I didn't feel guilty. I didn't feel guilty because I know that I have control now of what I eat and I know that I am not going to do the same thing next day and eat three. I ate both those bars because I was sleepy and I was really hot so I ate them. I realy wish you all the luck and I do hope that you lose weight. If I could do it then you can too. You should keep me posted on this and good luck to you. I know that if you set your mind to it you could lose all the weight you want and have those really sexy abs like Rihanna or some other star or something. Good luck to you and keep me posted or if you want any more advice. ^_^
• United States
27 Apr 08
Thank you and yes it's better to take it slow instead of losing like five pounds a week which is not healthy at all. My doctor told me that I should be losing one pound to one pound and a half each week.
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• China
27 Apr 08
you words are really inspiring, you know what, i like green tea too, from this day on , i'm gonna drink it as much as possible. although don't during the night, it makes me sleepless. and every time i am gonna to eat something , i will think all the good stuff about being thin and beautiful. also take the process nice and slow. cheers!! best luck with both of us
• China
28 Apr 08
ya!! take it nice and slow. i saw some really scary pictures that people lost too many weights in short time. the skin become loose. it's horrible! i want to be thin and healthy. thank you for being so nice!!o(n_n)o...
@longbangod (1785)
• Philippines
27 Apr 08
Maybe you have to drink green tea and a lot of water. Then do some exercise. Since its summer, swimming and some other activities could help you become more firm and loose some weight. This is my wish also, to loose weight but the problem is am very lazy to even just take a brisk walking every day. And I do have no control when it comes to food.
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• China
27 Apr 08
yeah i was plannng to drink two glasses of water before meal. but i still got to eat a lot! i can never say no to food, that's the problem. if only i had a strong self-control or fast metabolic rate. i think do more exercise is what i should do. i will give it a shot! best luck to you!