Ever feel like you're surrounded by idiots???

@natgil (33)
United States
April 29, 2008 2:16pm CST
Over the weekend I was outside enjoying the nice weather. I wanted to get an early start on some planting, so there I was digging in the dirt, with my gloves on and all my digging tools. I had all my seeds laid out that I was planting. One of the neighbor kids came up to me to ask me "what are you doing?"...um...DUH, hello!! this isn't a small child I'm talking about, this is a high school kid mind you...Are you kidding me? He was watching me for about 45 minutes before he asked me that question too... I almost felt like Bill Engvall for a minute; "Nothing, just felt like taking some dirt out of the ground."....Here's your sign....... Does anyone else feel like this somedays???
3 responses
@megumiart (3771)
• United States
29 Apr 08
Oh I feel like this all the time. I think the worl is overpopulated with really dumb people. xD
@natgil (33)
• United States
29 Apr 08
Sometimes I would agree with you on that. Certain people just choose to act like morons.. Maybe they think others will follow in their footsteps, and make them think that they are the smart ones..
@agfarm (930)
• United States
29 Apr 08
Only in the Grocery store!!!! I HATE SHOPPING! I CAn NOT STAND to go SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! People let their carts fly into your Car. And then they just stand there in front of the Shelf you need to get to , Oblivious to the FAct that you have asked politely to get to the Shelf ( especially annoying for us short people) Heck...they're Oblivious that your even there! UGH! I HATE SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@natgil (33)
• United States
29 Apr 08
Oh yes the rolling carts in the parking lot are better. Rolling from out of nowhere, right into YOUR car. I try to go shopping late at night to avoid these people. Then you always get stuck in the one lane with the idiot cashier....
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
29 Apr 08
I feel like I am surrounded by idiots every time I go to work. If it isn't the co-workers acting like idiots then it is the customers. Some days I just want to scream!
@natgil (33)
• United States
29 Apr 08
Isn't work the best place to find idiots? I'll scream with you..