What's worse? Bug that fly? Or bugs that Crawl

@nixxi76 (3191)
April 30, 2008 11:13am CST
Bugs to me are very creepy and I feel that I am comfortable to say that I have somewhat of a phobia of them. I'm not sure what's worse bugs that fly like wasps, bees, misquitos and so on, or.. bugs that crawl.. there are way too many of them to mention but I"ll try..woodticks, spiders, junebugs, cockroaches. Gross! I often wonder why God creates these creatures and what they are made for? It's obvious Bees are here to make honey but I can't understand the rest. What give you the heebie geebies more,.. bugs that can fly? Or bugs that can crawl?
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20 responses
@mrsjbelle (1640)
• United States
30 Apr 08
Crawling bug - Here is a picture of a Crawling bug
Probably bugs that can fly because they can "get you easier" yuck. I saw a flying cockroach one time. Nasssty. Oh and flying ants & wasps, mosquities. Good thing we dont have flying spiders! But we do have jumping spiders.
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@skydancer (2101)
• United States
1 May 08
Wow! That looked like a real bug at first glance to me too! I even went so far as to try to blow it off of my screen before I realized it was just a picture!
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
30 Apr 08
Bugs that crawl as I have a huge fear of spiders. Now I dont like any bugs but oh spiders they give me nightmares just thinking about them.
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@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
30 Apr 08
Yes spiders are creepy and they do crawl that's forsure! My mom had this spider that vacated just outside the window of my old bedroom. It was three years ago exactly that I noticed this huge thing. It was so big that you could see it's back and it looked like it's markings were a face. It was so gross. I didn't realize that spiders were so hairy either! Sorry if this is grossing you out. Thanks for sharing your thoughts
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• United States
30 Apr 08
Oh now im gonna have nightmares for sure ewwww.....
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• United States
1 May 08
flying hissing cockroaches. the worst of 2 worlds.they'll come right at your face,and all you want to do is run they're so gross. then they'll crawl under something so you can't smoosh them.
@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
2 May 08
Yikes! That's a cross between gross and frightening! As far as I know.. we don't have those in Canada. Not in the province I'm in anyway. Thank God. Thanks for your comment
@youless (112190)
• Guangzhou, China
1 May 08
I think the bugs which can fly are worse. Because they can fly, it's so hard for us to kill it and it's quite annoying when it's around you. As to the bugs that crawl, it's just so easy to get rid of them. I love China
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@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
2 May 08
I agree that it's easier to get rid of bugs that crawl but it's when you don't know they're on you say in your sleep or someone else notices them on you. I find it so annoying when a Wasp won't leave me alone I'm so petrafied of them as it is not to mention them harrassing me when I"m walking or just enjoying the outdoors!
• Philippines
1 May 08
i would have to say both flying and crawling bugs. i dont mind spiders that much but i still dont like them. i dont mind the very little ones but the big ones i really dont like. lol. the bug that i really hate would have to be 'roaches'. i hate it when they crawl up the wall and then fly! until now i scream when i see one flying and coming close to me. lol. its really horrible. they make me feel itchy. eeugh.. lol. i get that insects are part of the eco systems and all but roaches? lol.. i heard that insect bats would eat roaches inside the caves, so why wouldnt they just stay there. lol.. and i dont know if this is true but i just also heard this from probably an unreliable source if it isnt true that 'roaches are the only things that would survive a nuclear explotion'? lol. i dont know why though. they could just disappear for all i care. huhuhu.. sorry if i offend any roach lovers...
@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
1 May 08
You didn't offend me haha I'm no roach lover I've heard about the roaches being able to outlive a nuclear explotion too! I wished those bats would hurry up and eat all of them so this planet would be through with roaches! I'm in Canada and I haven't seen any here but when I was younger my parents took us to California to a relative's house to visit for a few days. My younger brother was in bed one night there and all the sudden we could hear him screaming! My dad ran in there to see what was going on and when he flicked on the light, he could see this cockroach flee away from on the bed! EWWWWWWWWWWWWW gross! I would've been doing more than screaming! Thanks for your comment katbalu
@aswinbio (174)
• India
1 May 08
those that fly are the most worst and they keep buzzing in our ears and thats horrible
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@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
1 May 08
yes I agree they are very annoying and pesky thanks for your comment
@katisaurus (1038)
• Canada
1 May 08
Both. I hate the sight of a moth flying around my light. It's so creepy. But I hate bugs that crawl because they might get in my shoes or my socks.. or crawl up my pantleg. Not a good discussion to respond to before bedtime. I hate bugs period. I don't mind the big ones. Like big spiders n'stuff, but I hate creepy crawlers and little things that fly. Too much for me!
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@skydancer (2101)
• United States
1 May 08
Definitely bugs that fly - especially big ones (um, flying cockroaches... eeeeeek!). I can't stand centipedes/millipedes either, again, because they're so... big/long and creepy, but the flying ones are so much harder to get rid of. At least with the crawling ones, it is relatively easy to either sweep them out or spray them directly. When they fly, it's a bit of a challenge. When I see one, I have been known to go crazy with the bug spray just to ensure that it will die soon, haha! But yeah, I could never be an exterminator. It would gross me way out to have to deal with some of those infestations they deal with on a regular basis.
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@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
1 May 08
Yes skydancer, that's one job I could never do is be an exterminator for the same reasons that you gave.. YUCK~ I have two cats now and my older cat is just amazing when it comes to killing bugs. My hubby accidently let in a moth at nighttime and he said the cat seen this moth and jumped up on the back of the couch, and in a mid-swat he got it! He's very quick with flying bugs but I haven't seen him with crawling bugs yet. I'm sure he's had his share of catching spiders around here though since we've spotted a few already since we've moved in but I guess that's the price we pay for living in the country. Thanks for your comment!
@Marcola (2774)
• United States
30 Apr 08
Bees are here to annoy people. They fly around your head and just demand to be swatted. They also chase you around when you're minding your own business. I cant's stand bugs and insects! I think they should all be squashed out of existence. I must admit to being afraid of bees, wasps, etc., though.
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@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
30 Apr 08
You are not alone Marcola! I hate those kinds too. Wasps really scare me badly and I think it's because of the horror stories I"ve heard about what it's like to be stung. I've never been stung and maybe I need to be to cure the phobia I have from them. Am I alergic? I wouldn't know that either Have a good day and thanks for sharing your thoughts
@julievy (593)
• United States
30 Apr 08
Bugs that crawl are the ones that creep me out, especially ticks and spiders. I'm sure that they all serve some purpose on earth, but I wouldn't miss them at all!
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@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
30 Apr 08
I don't think I would miss them at all either! Thanks for your comment
@alexdra77 (147)
1 May 08
Anything that crawls i find them really creepy and annoying, i hate the way they move it makes my skin feels fuuny when i look at them. Bugs that fly i am not too bothered about except for wasps ans bees, they sting really bad. i am not afraid of the others either.
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@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
1 May 08
Yeah I don't really like wasps or bees either. When there's a wasp around me I'm dancing and it makes me look like a fool. I can't contain myself when one is around. I'm terrified of them because I've never been bit or stung in my whole life. Thanks for your comment
@natgil (33)
• United States
1 May 08
I agree. Bugs are very creepy. I hate mostly all bugs. i HAVE lots of flyswatters. You can at least attack the flying bugs. Crawling ones are worse. Especially cockroaches, centipedes, and all the other ones that keep on moving after you smack them with something....EEEEEWWWWW.. Both kinds of bugs to me are gross... Thank goodness for insect repellent, flyswatters, flypaper, RAID, etc......
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@ozzeth (940)
• Philippines
1 May 08
Both! flying or crawling bugs are all worse. Freaks me out sometimes...
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@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
1 May 08
Thanks for your comment
@musicdoG (227)
• United States
1 May 08
bugs..that...fly and crawl
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@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
1 May 08
Thanks for your comment
@megumiart (3771)
• United States
30 Apr 08
I hate both! xD I don't like bugs because I'm allergic to their bites, plus they way the scurry and flutter around, especially close to my face, creeps me out.
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• United States
30 Apr 08
BUGS!!! I dont want any part of them at all. I hate them. If they crawl or fly, or walk....LOL!! THEY ARE STILL BUGS NO MATTER HOW THEY GET AROUND MOBILY. I expecially hate to go outside and nats are flying all around my head and my body. Its just aggravating. And i know that bugs are apart of life too.....but i caould do without them. And i try my very best to stay away from them as much as possibly can.
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@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
30 Apr 08
So do I punkin.. believe me! I can't stand bugs either, I dispise them and find there is no logical explanation for their purpose here on earth. I also hate the bugs that jump lol THanks for your comment
30 Apr 08
All of them! i hate all bugs full stop, they give me the heebie geebies i do have a huge fear of cockroaches tho and they do crawl but i hate all things creepy and crawly, i wouldnt kill anything unless it made a bee line for me tho!
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@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
30 Apr 08
I know exactly how you feel graceandowen! I can't stand bugs either! I don't even know what I think is worse.. flying bugs or crawling bugs. Thanks for your comment
@magrylouyu (1627)
• United States
30 Apr 08
I'd have to say bugs that crawl. I have a phobia of spiders. I'd be more afraid of spiders than the bees. I have a phobia of bugs too. lol I will never understand why god created them either. There's no point in having them except they just eat other bugs!! Now you have me itching nixxi! lol I'll live.
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@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
30 Apr 08
LOL you're funny magrylouyu! I thought about this question after seeing a spider hanging from it's web outside right off the corner of the house.. it was just sitting there gracefully but still YUCK!!! Yes it was outside where I seen this spider. I thought to myself I'm not sure what it's reason for being here on earth is. I also forgot to mention that I am afraid of moths at night too.. in the summer where I live here in Canada it's terrible for Wasps and flying creatures. Last year we found a new species of the wasp family and they are not yellow and black but white and black.. creepy to me and enough for me to stay inside where it's bug free! Sorry about the itching I've caused hehehe
@wiser2 (237)
• United States
30 Apr 08
I hate all bugs.But the worse is the roaches.This friend i had along time ago had them and she came to my house one day and she had one on her and did not know it and a couple of days later i seen one in my house.I was not happy so i told her she had to be care full when she whent out that she did not bring them with her and that is hard to do.I had to pay some one to come and spray my house and make sure i did not have any more.
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@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
30 Apr 08
hi wiser, I've been blessed not having any roaches in my home but I feel bad for you because you did. I hate those critters because they get into everything from what I've heard and you can transport them to anywhere you go, and they are constantly multiplying. Thanks for sharing your experience
@sisterjinx (1135)
• United States
30 Apr 08
I guess I would have to say bugs that crawl. I actually call them creepy crawlies. There are a couple of reasons for this. First, bugs that crawl include my worst phobia - spiders. They also include some of the grosser bugs like lice, roaches, and fleas. Second, bugs that fly can usually be shoed away or swatted with relative ease. Bugs that crawl can sneak up on you and crawl up your legs, or in your hair without your knowledge and that just freaks me out. Not to mention that they don't tend to leave if you move and flying bugs do.
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@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
30 Apr 08
You made me realize the difference of fears between the flying bugs and crawling bugs sisterjinx! I feel that I"m more afraid of flying bugs especually wasps because they have a tendincy of being angry and sting or bite and will pester. Crawling bugs can bite without you even realizing they did sometimes, and some spiders are deadly like the recluse spider. Gross! Thanks for your comment