Jennifer Armintrout's Blood Ties series -- Anybody who has read it?

@wayz12 (2059)
United States
April 30, 2008 6:22pm CST
I'm currently reading Jennifer Armintrout's Blood Ties series. So far there are three in the series and I have just finished the first one. Its about Carrie, a medical doctor who was attacked by a vampire while at work. The bite turned her into one, and introduced her to the challenges of being the undead. The story is told in first person, which reminds me of Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake series. The book was a decent read, but there are things I feel like it dragged. I'm curious if there are any mylotters who have read the series and would like to share comments about it.. Or anybody who simply like to read vampire books..which I'm so into..
1 response
@Myrilia (209)
• United States
1 May 08
I've read was an okay read. I actually liked the second and third books in the series more. There's a fourth one out, as well, but I haven't read that yet. What other vampire books have you read?
@wayz12 (2059)
• United States
1 May 08
I just started the second one in the series, so I will wait until I'm done to give my opinion, but so far I agree with what you say of it as an okay read. I'm a big fan of JR Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood, and I highly recommend them. I also read Christine Feehan's Dark series about the Carpathians. I'm not a big fan of Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunter series but I'll read. I also read Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake series. I like paranormal romances and is always on the look out for anything interesting. Any recommendations?