Are we or are we NOT in a recession?

big red recession arrow - big, red arrow pointing down, symbolizing a lack of growth in the economy
United States
May 2, 2008 10:01pm CST
There's no doubt that gas prices are up nearly $1.00 since last year, grocery and food prices are up around 10-20%, and that there has been a slow job growth. (And Sams and Costco is limiting how much rice we can buy!) However, it was recently released that our GDP was UP by 0.6% in Q1 of 2008. Now, a recession by definition is a negative "growth" in GDP, and while our average growth is around 2%, this is still somewhat decent news. But still, how are things in your area? Cutting back the discretionary spending? Or are you still "fat and happy," as one talk show host put it.
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