whats the personality of your pet?

@danoluma (817)
May 3, 2008 3:44am CST
How would you describe the personality of your pet?
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9 responses
• United States
6 May 08
I have two dogs. Coot is a chocolate labador retriever. I would describe him as loving, loyal, jolly and energetic. Digby is a yellow labador puppy. I would describe him as intelligent, sneaky, loving and playful. I love them both very much! They definitely have distinct personalities but they both hold equal places in my heart!
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
5 May 08
restless, proper and prim, almost like Felix Unger on the Odd Couple.
@snowy22315 (172021)
• United States
3 May 08
split personality, sometimes very docile, other times like cujo,
3 May 08
my dog is very curious and playful
@tonibabe (189)
4 May 08
well one of my dogs i would say is outgoing and stubborn but my other one is shy and placid! but they are both lively!
• United States
5 May 08
I have a black lab that i would describe as happy-go-lucky...yet often paranoid. She is a daddy's girl...but she is not who I need to tell ya'll about. I have come to believe that my cat's are conspiring to drive me crazy. Yes, folks...you heard it right...IT'S A CONSPIRACY! Ripley, who I am pretty sure is the ringleader of the three, is a large yellow cat. He weighs over 20 pounds so he is usually content to guard the food bowls...but yet, he seems to watch my every move. At night, though, he seems to have other things to do. He will sit at the door and meow loudly...somehow he has learned the word, "OUT"...he says it over and over until one of us let him out. As if he knew just what I was writing...he did it, and yes...it was me that had to go let him out. What he does outside at night, only God knows...I don't think I really want to. Next, is Darcy Sue. She is a most unusual cat. She's solid black and her fur is the softest I've ever felt. She is extremely shy...but I am beginning to wonder if that's just a ruse. She is content to stay off to herself...away from the others...however, she knows what her job is in this conspiracy against me. She takes my clothes, usually my undergarments...yet, she'll drag away any article of clothing belonging to me. I know...oh yes, I know what she's doing. She's getting samples of my DNA. I'm not sure just yet what she intends to do with it...but I am most certain that it won't be beneficial to me. Last, but certainly not least, is the baby of the group...the "newbie" so to speak...Vincent Delray...AKA Vinnie. He is still young enough to act like a kitten...although I now believe that this behavior is very well thought out. His assignment must be the informant. He follows me around...no matter where I go, there he is. He watches me in my most intimate activities...always there...taking it all in. He even sleeps with me at night...usually laying right on top of me, so that if I were to awake...he would know it and be ready to follow my every move. So there you have it, my friends, my sad, sad story. I can't imagine what they want from me...afterall, I am already a servant to them. I provide them with food and drink each and everyday and as embarrasing as it is to admit...I even scoop up their bodily wastes and dispose of it...just so they will be comfortable. If any one out there has any advice for me...please, please for heaven's sake...tell me what to do. Just make sure that you send it, "For Your Eyes Only", so that I can make sure that they aren't reading over my shoulder.
@jesbellaine (4139)
• Philippines
3 May 08
Hi There. OUr dogs are naughty! They love to play around, they run over the house then after that, they would be hungry and start lying on the floor then growl lolz. They are sweet too... and cute!
@wildfruit (233)
• Philippines
3 May 08
my dog is very sweet :)
3 May 08
mmm.. I have two dogs...Both are labradors..one cute fawn and one silky black..Their personality is like..kinda authoritarian..lol