French Fries, are these your favorites too?

May 4, 2008 10:32am CST
Hi there everyone, I am really craving right now for some fries. I do really love eating french fries a lot and I can't even explain why I just love them so much. But it would be better to be with some hamburgers, it really keeps my appetite on the run. I've started liking french fries and considering it to be one of my favorites since I was a kid. It is because that my mother used to cook and prepare me some of these and I do really love it. When she is busy and had no time to cook some, she would still grant my request and try her best just to make me smile because she just know how much I love it. Oh my, how I miss my mom, I just want to say that I am really grateful that I have a mother like her, she is just the best and nothing compares... ^_^
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17 responses
@longbangod (1785)
• Philippines
4 May 08
This post of yours made me hungry, lol. I like french fries too. And of course with hamburgers, I think I have to order one tomorrow, hehe. Take care!
• Philippines
5 May 08
Hey I'm back just to let you know I just finished eating french fries,lol.
16 May 08
I also like french fries. It's one of my guilty pleasures
@ryzach (1544)
• United States
5 May 08
I love french fries too. There used to be this place that served their french fries shoestring style and they were absolutely the best. They are no longer in business and it is hard to find shoestring style french fries anywhere. Even though I like french fries I try not to eat very often as I am on a diet and don't need any fried foods right now or any extra carbs. I do have them for a treat now and then. They are yummy!!!!!!
@jesbellaine (4139)
• Philippines
5 May 08
yup, I love french fries. I always love eating it especially when in fastfood. We also have stocks here because my siblings love it as well. We dip it with mayonnaise and ketchup with pepper. Cheers!
@jer31558 (3683)
• United States
6 May 08
I love french fries or just fried potatoes period. If the potatoes are sliced and fried, a good potato sandwich is hard to beat. French fries, I like by their self or as a side dish with a hamburger or something.
• United States
5 May 08
I love fries too. It's kinda strange but they really taste good with ramen sauce. :D
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
5 May 08
i like french fries too... but not as maniac as my hubby... my hubby also loves french fries so much and he always want to eat KFC because the fries is the best... but i stop him sometimes as it is not good for his health and he is already overweight... he needs to lose weight and eating french fries won't help him to achieve that... now you make me miss my mother and want to eat a french fries too... :-) take care and have a nice day...
• United States
5 May 08
MMMM, what a yummy subject!! I love nice, crisp, crunchy fries! Sometimes with ketchup, ranch dressing or just plain vinegar. Mmm, wow, I'm making myself hungry! The only problem with fries is that I can't stop eating them once I start.
@unuzzz (1273)
• Indonesia
5 May 08
hi best_jr73 i like french fries too the best way for me to have french fries is to dip it with a cheese sauce uuuu.. yummy !! i used to have it every Sunday morning after i went home from the church i always stopped at Wendy's with my friend but now i never had it there again, since my friend who always accompany me moved to canada.. okay now i miss it, hahaa, i miss the french fries more than i miss my friend LoL anyway, thanks.. ^^
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
5 May 08
Hi best_jr73! French fries are the best! I just love them. i could eat so much on one sitting. I used to order just french fries in McDonalds and it is alright if that is all I will eat. And my late beloved mom used to cook french fries for us too. However, when I got older I did cut down on it since the grease would really hurt my health. It has been a long time since I have french fries. It took a lot of self control just to let go of my favorite food. Just my thoughts. Take care and have a nice day!
@podqueen (340)
5 May 08
Yes, I love french fries and used to eat it like there's no tomorrow. I still eat fries but in moderation because I'm getting older and it's easier for me to put on weight! The good thing about not eating fries so frequently is that it tastes so much better when you treat yourself once in a while.
@rhane7315 (5649)
• Philippines
5 May 08
i also love fries. i love to deep it in an ice cream and most of the times i'm craving for it so i also make my home made fries. you're making me hungry lol
@ejaji123 (96)
• India
5 May 08
oh, i absolutely love french fries. i know they are not good for health. however, i try to press them onto a napkin after frying them. This gets rid of the extra oil. I also take raw garlic to reduce with most of my meals. This reduces the extra cholesterol in my bloodstream. So, this way, i can indulge in eating french fries more often!
@iulyanho (193)
• Romania
5 May 08
I like franch fies 2 ^^they are verry good i eat them like obidan whit an egg.In this morning i will go to the grocery shop and buy some patatos and make some french fries my self :)
@drumbum04 (171)
• Philippines
5 May 08
French fries is my favorite food. It is easy to cook and easy to eat. I usually eat french fries when I go to the movies with my friends and family. I like it flavored with cheese or barbeque. The bad thing about eating this food is that it is very oily. In the movie Freaky Friday starring the very popular teen star, Lindsay Lohan, her mother in the movie prevented her from eating french fries because fries goes down to your thighs. It is said that fries will make your thighs fat and it is hard to burn fat in your thighs. You need to go biking and hiking and all the stressful exercises.
@sisterjinx (1135)
• United States
4 May 08
Nope sorry. I do love potatoes but I would much rather have them baked or mashed. I like french fries ok when I was younger but never really loved them like some do. Now I hardly ever eat fries, unless I'm really hungry and they come with something I'm ordering.
@obidan (367)
• Romania
4 May 08
I love french fries to, I know they aren't healthy but they are so good that ....oh....yum yummy... You made me hungry. I usually eat french fries with an egg and some cheese, I like them like that, lol! My mom makes great french fries also, so I'll probably eat some though I ate some yesterday :D