Do you prefer the book or the movie?

@teka44 (3420)
May 4, 2008 4:11pm CST
I love both. Of course the book is always better but the movie is great too. What you think about this? Do you like the most a movie or the book?
12 responses
• India
10 May 08
the movie any day..i do like readying however it is a diff thrill when you watch the movie. its the colours and sounds that make a world of a differnece
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@teka44 (3420)
• Brazil
18 Jun 08
Hi, sorry for the delay to reply you. Thanks for respond my post.
• United States
5 May 08
well unfortunately i don't have the patience to sit and read any more and life keeps me busy,but i enjoy watching a good movie and i have no favorite types. I like a movie that has a good plot to unfold and a action move type movie. Well just about any type is good. to me movies put it into reality for you seeings how i don't have time to fantasize about it these days.
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@teka44 (3420)
• Brazil
18 Jun 08
Hi, sorry for the delay to reply you. Thanks for reply my post.
• United States
21 Jun 08
The movie is usually a condensed version of the book, so I really prefer to get the whole story and read the book! The book is so much more in depth!
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@celticeagle (161106)
• Boise, Idaho
21 Jun 08
I feel that if the book is good and the movie is a bad adaption then it is an insult to the author. If it is a real good adaption then sometimes it is great to have the movie bring my favorite parts of the book to life.
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@celticeagle (161106)
• Boise, Idaho
21 Jun 08
I feel the book had special passages but the movie brought those passages to life and it was so cool to see it on screen. Great book!
@joyouskay (113)
21 Jun 08
I like books better; they allow you to still have some imagination about what the characters are like. I've been disappointed in a lot of movies due to actor choices and things like that.
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@itsmepinky (1300)
• India
10 May 08
I prefer the book mainly bcoz they give an indepth of the story whereas the movie is sometimes not executed very well. ~Pinks~
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@tholitz (1127)
• Philippines
19 Nov 08
Hi Teka44! I have not read any popular novels which were translated to movies. But I really do enjoy them when I have watch them in the movies. Maybe I just don't have the time to continuously read a novel or I'm not really into book reading.
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
18 Nov 08
I have to say the movie was no where near how good the book was. There was no way the book could live up to the book becaues of when the movie was made and in the movie it was made in like England and the book takes place in USA so yeah they changed to many things in the movie for it to be as good as the book.
@Elixiress (3878)
10 May 08
If the book is based on the movie then I tend to prefer the movie, but if the movie is based on the book then I tend to prefer the book. I like the original basically.
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@fatima07 (169)
• Philippines
19 Jun 08
Actually I love both. When I am home I use to watch movie and i love horror compare to love story. I read books before I go to bed and sometimes when I am alone here in school.
@vimaal (3361)
• India
21 Jun 08
Hi teka how are you. I also love both movie and book.But first i read a book and then only i interest in saw a movie. movie is so nice. i love this very much.