How frequently you change your JOB?

job change  - job change
@kamit24 (1454)
May 8, 2008 11:04am CST
well i guess this topic will really attract your interests as i think most of us use to change jobs..but my question is how frequently you change it? thanks in advance..
2 responses
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
8 May 08
I seem to change jobs about every 2 years. Long enough so that it doesn't look like I am a job hopper.
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@kamit24 (1454)
• India
9 May 08
yeah i agree with u if u stay for a company for almost 2 or more years then it would not be called frequent change..that's what i was writing in the last reply. but yeah if we change our job within every 1 year then the bell is ringing..b'coz then the question is for how long we'll do so .. many thanks buddy :)
• Philippines
8 May 08
Well, with my first job, I stayed their for 5 years. For the next four years, I only stayed for more than a year in 4 companies.
@kamit24 (1454)
• India
9 May 08
humm actaully what i think is now a days trends have changed every where if u have some good experience u will always get a call from other companies and if they give u good hike and good tag then what's wrong in a change ? but the big question is how long there will be time when we will look for stability...isn't it ? many thanks for ur response :)