I love it here!

I love you all!! - mylot mmm
United States
May 10, 2008 8:21am CST
Don't you just feel flattered knowing that there are people on this site who follow your discussions and respond negatively to you every time? Doesn't it just get your heart pumping knowing someone is thinking about you so much AND helping you make money at the same time? I know it does for me. I feel very loved here on myLot knowing that I will be constantly marked negative by that one special person. The lower my star goes, the more I know they are thinking of me! I love my myLot FRIENDS!
19 people like this
44 responses
10 May 08
Maybe some people are not very positive them selves, maybe they have been treated badly as a child or something like that and don't know how to be nice to people. i tend to annoy them even more by giving a really nice reply, it might stop them from hunting you down. I'm not too worried about my star rating, i enjoy it on here to much, just talking and meeting new friends is good enough for me. have a good day
• United States
10 May 08
The nicer you are the angrier they get I try to keep it nice and polite, of course!
2 people like this
10 May 08
at least you can laugh about it while being really polite or you could take it too heart. has this person requested to be your friend?
1 person likes this
• United States
10 May 08
We have been friends on here for awhile :)
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
14 May 08
This is the best response I've seen so far to this sort of thing. I've figured out that it's people with strong, attractive personalities who attract these negative comments etc. Yes, the joke is on them because they are making your posts more interesting and therefore making you money....lol.
• United States
15 May 08
I've figured out that it's people with strong, attractive personalities who attract these negative comments etc. Lol. Yes, for sure. It seems like if someone has a strong opinion AND they have friends who like/agree with them, people start to attack, probably trying to bring them down a notch or two
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@Idlewild (6090)
• United States
11 May 08
It is pretty funny when you think of it, that people who disagree with you spend so much of their time and effort thinking and writing about you! And of course, they're increasing your earnings every time they do so (except that it suck that they are lowering your star rating). The whole idea behind Mylot is to motivate discussion, and you're certainly doing that! Hopefully the money compensates for the aggravation, and you don't let the negative comments get you down.
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• United States
11 May 08
Hi Idlewild, I just started joining in the dicussions, but who, or how does one get a star? It's true about what you said, that these people will spend so much time and effort to be negative towards a person. Why can't people just get along with each other. there is enough hate in the world, why add more on this site. People are here to have friends from all around the world and enjoy each others comments.
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@Idlewild (6090)
• United States
12 May 08
I think you get a star rating (based on whether other uses rate your comments + or -) once you have a score of 100 (in parentheses next to your name). Looks like you're about halfway there.
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@lucy02 (5016)
• United States
14 May 08
Well sometimes I just wish someone would respond :(
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@kaleegirl45 (1515)
• United States
11 May 08
Why would someone be so negative? If they don't like what you post than they shouldn't write. How do you get a star next to your name? How do you rate the person. I still learning, and if you can help me out I can rate your discussion.
2 people like this
• United States
11 May 08
There is a + sign and a - sign next to each discussion and response. You just press the one you want to rate them with.
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@rhane7315 (5649)
• Philippines
14 May 08
lol i don't know what really happens on your reputation since i was absent for 3 days because of my stupid internet connection. don't be upset with that, just kill them with your politeness and it will pay you off with good karma. love your attitude of being funny and true lol
3 people like this
@AmbiePam (86270)
• United States
11 May 08
Hey, how did you now that was my dream too! It just fills my heart with joy. Knowing I am just that influential.
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@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
10 May 08
hey dont let it bother you so much! who cares what other people think of you? anyways, that being said...(lowers head and says, i like you...) :-)
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@jimbomuso (950)
14 May 08
Hi molly! I've noticed that some rat-f*** sonofa b**** has been marking me down negi ! to those or that person I say 'a pox upon you and all your purile kind'. your right though it does make me feel special that i've got up someone's nose enough for them to spend the rest of their free time searching out all my posts and rating them negative. a toast to the mylot trolls!
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@kaleegirl45 (1515)
• United States
11 May 08
why are people like that? Don't pay attention to them. Maybe they don't know that they helping you earn some money. Better for you. Have a great day. By the way, how does one get a star next to their name?
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
10 May 08
I like your sense of humor! You have been on my friend list for a little while but for some reason the notify got turned off. I hope you don't think I was ignoring you. Sometimes I get really busy and cannot help ignoring people, but this wasn't one of them. This was one of those infamous glitches, lol.
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
10 May 08
I'm just thankful to be a member of myLot. The ratings I command make no nevermind to me whatsoever. I have some interesting friends here too. I'm always interested in their Posts and usually respond to the best of my ability. This site is unique, and I am hoping everyone will love it like I do, and try to get along with everybody!
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
11 May 08
I love your sense of humor, wooitsmolly..some people complain about the trolls, you did the opposite, and I hope those who complain can find the humor in your post... I always rate positive, but there are rare occasions I rate negative and that is when people get down right rude and mean.. Probably since the 11 months I have been here, I can count on my hand the times I rated negative..I think it is just a childish game though, which is how the trolls came about, they saw the opportunity to be mean and they took it..
• United States
11 May 08
Hi Carmelanirel, If they are rude and mean one should not bother with them. Maybe these people are just young kids, or the people that have nothing better to do than hurt others. have a good day.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
10 May 08
wooitsmolly you have just made my day. I had not thought of it that way. I was all down in the dumps because someone was minusing the hell out of me and taking me from a ten down to a seven but now okay fine they are indeed helping me to make money so I should feel loved too You have given me a whole new perspective on things. Ilove mylot too. thanks.
• United States
10 May 08
I am at a 7 now, too. I cannot wait to be a 6 or maybe a 5 tomorrow
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@GardenGerty (158149)
• United States
10 May 08
You have been back such a short time, and you have learned this little secret hobby some people have. I do not play that game, aren't you glad. Have a good day, friend.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
12 May 08
there are trolls on here, and they go around rating everyone down, I don't even know if they bother to read the discussions just rate negative. I wish they would get away with that feature altogether.
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@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
12 May 08
well negative and positive are all the same meaning people are follows and thinking of you
@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
10 May 08
What aggervates me the most in here is staring a discussion. Like I did today and then getting crazy responses to it. I almost wish now I hadn't of started it.
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@blackbriar (9076)
• United States
12 May 08
I'm curious as to who is doing this to you. Do you have any clue at all? I'm starting to get jealous here with e1 having their own stalker and I don't.
1 person likes this
• United States
14 May 08
Yeah, I know who they are for the most part. I secretly (or not so secretly) love being hated! It means I must be doing something right...
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
12 May 08
I like your attitude about this, molly. Good thing those silly little stars don't matter at all when it comes to calculating earnings. It must feel great to be so loved.
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