Introspection and Self Progression

May 13, 2008 11:52am CST
Why would we need to examine our lives? What benefit does it yield? Isn’t it just rehashing the past? Self progression has a strong tie to one’s willingness to be able to reflect on pertinent decisions. Moreover, this task, if done daily and immediately after an action or decision, can bear much fruit. To introspect means reflecting or self examining what certain things mean to you. Introspection allows you to ask yourself why you should or shouldn’t have done something a certain way.
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5 responses
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
13 May 08
..I used to be a contemplative hermetic type of person.. or partial anyway.. but that was before this danged computer..!
• Philippines
14 May 08
Yeah!!! Praise the Lord for the computer! Hahahaha! Take care flowerchilde!
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
13 May 08
It is not just rehashing the past. When introspection results in self analysis it automatically tends to give some unbiassed results that are productive by the very outcome of avoiding past mistakes.It is being bebeficial if you think of what should and what should not be not done in future.There is no use brooding over the "might have been's and this is the negative outcome of introspection in emotional people. Logical thinking and a rational mind does not understand nor would allow this. .
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@vonn1378 (706)
• Philippines
14 May 08
A saying goes "Cannot find the right path if we don't know how to look back in our past". Meaning it helps us to become more self progressive when we know how to look back with our past and re-examine what are the things that went wrong. It help us to be more careful and assertive on things to lead us to success and happiness. Looking back helps in self progression in a way that we would not commit same mistakes in the past. So I would say it is more on guiding us to the path that will not lead to committing same mistakes in past.
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
16 May 08
Hi dolce_vita! I do think that it has been a part of my attitude towards life to reflect on everything that I have done for the day especially when things go wrong. I do examine my conscience and the actions that I have taken. It is like learning from each mistakes that I make in order for me not to do make the same mistake twice. It is the only way to grow. Take Care and God Bless! Happy Mylotting!
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
14 May 08
sometimes we decide without examining what would be the result, usually the result is bad. we must reflect or examine ourself before be decide specially if it is all about serious thing. we can't get back what what is already happen. we don't have remote control of our life that if we missed something we can rewind or repeat. if ever all of us should should apply introspection in our life.