how can i get rating 10 ??!!

May 15, 2008 5:12am CST
well please someone tell me that how can i get the rating 10 i please want it i try my all to make it 10 but it not goes please you all help me i wish to have 10 rating once
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12 responses
@best_jr73 (258)
• Philippines
15 May 08
Hello there my dear friend I have noticed that you have just reached one of your goals here. I guess you are planning to receive your minimum payout here soon. I am just like you who he is very curious on how stuffs really work here but as time passes by you will really understand here how it really works. They say that you must always target your ideals on the quality and not on the quantity so that you will earn more points and ratings and otherwise increase your star rate as well. Just be patient my dear friend and I do appreciate it that you will be spending more time here just like I do because I must say that I have really reached and discovered the site which really gives and offers me two benefits at a time which is mainly to earn some extra cash while having a great time. Have fun always here and love your stay exactly as always as it has been. ^_^
5 people like this
• India
15 May 08
The rating on your star changes whit the type of content you post. if you content is full and descriptive, it will be give a higher rating. And also, you see the + - and ! mark next to other's comment. If people give a + for ur posts, then your rating goes up. That way you get a 10. bourne
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@karmendra (1123)
• India
15 May 08
hi Dexherlab, i think you have to make your discussion and responses in detail, and meaningful. actually in my opinion rating depends on the Quality an Quantity of you discussion. if you put more words in you discussion and responses then you can get that rating. and also you have to respond your all the discussions. and if someone replies your discussion then continuously you have to reply again and again. try it it makes definitely your rating stronger.. all the best..
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@MsCYPRAH (394)
15 May 08
I don't think about quantity at all, or about getting stars. I think it is all about quality, about the information you give, how useful people find it, and what you actually say. Anyone can just put words on a page in any old manner to notch up stars and points, but that would not really get you what you want in the end: which is improvement in what you are doing. The best approach is to forget the stars and to concentrate on your writing. Don't do anything for external rewards alone. Do it because you really love it and you are passionate about it, and you will gradually increase its quality. Better still, as you focus on what you're doing, your writing will appeal even more to readers, you will improve and the stars will automatically follow. I was rather surprised when I started on MyLot with an '8' rating after reaching 100. Then it went up to '9' at 113 points. Now I am fascinated by when I will get my '10' star. But it doesn't matter to me whether I get a 10 or not because I am not here to compete with anyone, only with myself. I am mainly here for my writing and to share knowledge and experience. Everything else is a bonus. If you wish to improve your chances for higher rankings, take a closer look at the '10' star writers and their posts. Look at what they write, how they say it, how they present their content and start to learn from them. For example, your writing does not have any punctuation. All your words just merge into each other. That might be robbing you of a better presentation, or preventing some people from appreciating fully what you are trying to say. Nevertheless, you will get there in the end, if you persist. So just keep at it and do your best. Good luck!
@hcpoirot (1562)
• Indonesia
15 May 08
To get a rtong 10, you had to get people rate you a + many many times. It depends on your post and topic discussions. The more quality in it, the more people will rate you +. Good luck dexterlab.
@obidan (367)
• Romania
15 May 08
The Star rating depends on how many people hit the ,, +'' sign on your responses or discussions, and I think that it also depends on the amount of ,,Best Responses'' that you have . So if you help people , you will eventually get a 10 star rating. I usually give a ,, + '' to everyone that responds to my discussions , of course I make some exceptions for people that didn't even understand the question, but, just keep giving good responses and you will get a star rank of 10
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
18 May 08
it depends on how other people are rating you, you have no control over that, either than to continue to answer well to posts with quality and maturity,
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
18 May 08
it is simple to have ratings of 10, all you have to do is post a good quality comments so that you will be rated positive my mylot users specially the one who own the post that you are commented. Same with your discussions also it should have originality and not copied or similar to the discussions that posted already. hope i can help you in a little way.
@teka44 (3420)
• Brazil
18 May 08
Hi dexterlab. You need to be patient. Also you need to post responses too not only discussions with no replys from you. You need to post responses to the discussions from others so people can rate you positive, but if you never reply to the others discussions how you want to be rated? good luck
@jer31558 (3683)
• United States
16 May 08
Choose interesting discussions, use informative responses, tag responses. Avoid one line answers
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@cjgrooms (4456)
• United States
15 May 08
Post quality responses, don't use one line responses,and rate others positively or not at all unless it is abuse also tag discussions. Hope this helps!
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@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
16 May 08
I am not sure how to get a 10 rating,but I think it has something to do with making long discussions and making long responses,and I think it also depends on how many people rate you and rate your discussions.
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