Jesus was just as we are

@rabanesd (284)
United States
May 17, 2008 1:13pm CST
Some people believe that Jesus, because he was the son of God, he could do things that we couldn't do. I have found a verse in the bible that prooves that he lived his life just as we are. The only difference is his faith was more stronger than ours. That is why he performed the miracles that he did. Hebrews 4:14-15 Seeiung then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the song of God, let us hold fast our profession. For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities: but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. What is your take on this?
6 responses
• Philippines
3 Jun 08
For me the meaning of that is, Jesus as the high priest as mentioned in the verse should be the head/leader of our lives. As a leader/head He's an example of how we should be, we as a follower should set Him as an example so we should hold fast our faith and keep our testimonies as believers of Jesus Christ and His works. And Jesus if we consider Him as the leader of our lives he sees our feebleness. He was also tempted when He was on earth but because of His divinity, He remained holy. That's how it means to me.
• Philippines
3 Jun 08
Maybe He became just as we are because He stoop down to our level but we can never be just as who He really is. We can't afford it.
• Philippines
3 Jun 08
..and yes He lived just like we are (he needed to eat, take a bath, walk, sleep and all things that human needs to do) because He was in a human form/flesh. He needed to be in that form so he can take all our sins and bury it to the grave with that flesh. If He was in the form of God how can He die in the flesh and take all the sins in the grave? God like form is holy, holy cannot take sin.
• Pakistan
20 May 08
[b]jesus(PBUH) never said that he was a god or told his people to worshiop him...... Acts 2:22 Jesus(PBUH) was a son of man not a son of God he tells himself .........Mathew 9:6 Jesus(PBUH) could not do anything by himself but by the permissiona nd will of GOD ...........John 5:30 Jesus(PBUH) was not crucified or killed....... John 20:17[/b]
@urbandekay (18278)
23 May 08
Moon quotes John 20:17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God. To justify his blasphemous claim that Jesus wasn't crucified but the text supports no such claim all the best urban
• Philippines
3 Jun 08
you didn't read what is God purpose bro.. read the Bible.. ^_^ "Jesus(PBUH) was not crucified or killed....... John 20:17"
@urbandekay (18278)
17 May 08
14Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. 15For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. I take this to affirm the human nature of Jesus not to deny his divinity all the best urban
• Philippines
20 May 08
I believe the same. God sent Jesus not just to redeem us from sin but also to show us that He can be like us and still follow God's will.
@leateagee (3667)
• China
2 Jun 08
I do believe that Jesus became one of us. To be able to save us, He needs to follow what has been prophesied. In other for Him to be a great leader, He needs to set an exmaple by being one of us. He felt pain just like us. He felt sad, just like us and others. Take care =)
18 May 08
true fact....the only difference is that jesus was born without sin.we however are the fruit of a sinful world.