do you remember your first feeling of getting kiss??!!

May 18, 2008 12:49pm CST
[b][u]well yeah i remember when i get my first kiss from my girlfriend in my life when she kissed me she said in joke that i must admit that i dont have a single percent idea of how to kiss what about you?!
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8 responses
• Philippines
21 May 08
Cheesy..!:p Oh well, when i had my first kiss, i feel cold that it kills me to the bone. I love the feeling of being kissed by someone on the lips. I don't have the passion of kissing before, but now i've already learned the best kiss ever!LOL!;D
• Singapore
21 May 08
I was very nervous during my first kiss with my girlfriend. We were amateurs but it feels great.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
18 May 08
my first kiss was sweet, I remember his lips were so soft, that was many years ago, like 40 years ago, that shows just how much older I am than you are.
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
19 May 08
the first was so exciting, me and my girl friend don't know how to do it. maybe it's normal for first time kisser. we only saw kissing on tv last so we try it in our relationship. it's fantastic. we can't explain the feeling after we did. LOL
• Indonesia
19 May 08
yes i remember.. my heart sounds dug3x.. but i want it too.. its feel soft and so romantic.. after first kiss, i want a second kiss, third kiss.. n so on..
@boloroo (120)
• Mongolia
19 May 08
you should kiss her more than her.And say her i love you
@kykidd (6812)
• United States
18 May 08
I find this discussion that you have started to be pretty humorous. I hope you meant it that way. I remember the first time I kissed my current bf. It was romantic, but I was very nervous.
@INGA832 (1114)
• Russian Federation
18 May 08
My first kiss was very romantic and amazing, but I was little bit afraid that my bf would laugh at me. Thanks him, he didn't.