How often do you clean your main living areas and why?

@magikrose (5429)
United States
May 20, 2008 9:49am CST
Ok I was doing my usual clean up of the kitchen and living room today and it made me realise that not everyone cleans there house every day or in the same way. I clean my kitchen every other day with doing dishes every day of course and the livingroom about every other day. See I have athsma and really cant have the dustmites all over the place not to mentone the pollin the kids bring in from outside every day. So I will sweep and mop my floors, wipe down the counters , and stove, and polish my wood furniture every other day. Plus I even bought the allergen Febreze to help reduce the allergins on my furniture and bedding. So how about you how often do you clean your major living areas and why? What steps do you make to be shure that your home meats your standards of clean?
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2 responses
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
21 May 08
I think if I am not too busy then several times a week. Monday's are usually my clean up days after a hectic weekend (if I am not too tired or grumpy) and i give it a complete once over - vacuuming, dusting and wiping down. I even move the furniture and vacuum underneath, take my rug out and shake it all about and vacuum up all the crumbs lol Then throughout the week it's just a tidy up and if I have to vacuum again later in the week i will. If we are expecting visitors in the weekend then I make sure I do it one more time.
@dragon54u (31636)
• United States
20 May 08
I wish I had your ambition! I've been meaning to vac my carpet for days now but just don't get around to it. The furniture is dusty, the baseboards need wiped again and so does the overhead fan. I'm not a meticulous housekeeper but I do make my bed every day!